SPLC won’t track Occupados

| May 4, 2012

I know you’ve all been wondering with the news the other day that some Occu-tards had planned to blow up a bridge near Cleveland whether the Southern Poverty Law Center would begin tracking the Occupados like they did the Hutarees or the militias. According to Charles C. W. Cooke at National Review OnLine, the answer is an unsurprisingly resounding ‘no’;

“Do you have any plans to start tracking Occupy Wall Street after a hate group tried to blow up a bridge?”

“No, I don’t think so,” he said. “We blogged it right away when it happened.” I asked him why he thought this deserved only a blog post, and he explained that the SPLC only deals with “hatred of people based on class characteristics,” which a little more pushing revealed meant “immutable characteristics such as a person’s eye or skin color.” “So,” I asked, “Occupy doesn’t count because it doesn’t hate people based on their innate characteristics?” He assented, but didn’t explain adequately why SPLC is vocal on “Islamophobia,” for example — whatever Islam is, it is not an “immutable” characteristic — and why it concerns itself with matters of traditionalist Catholic theology.

“We did go after the eco-terrorists,” he told me. “But that was because they’d adopted the same tactics as the abortion activists: vilification, the use of ‘Wanted’ posters, highlighting the names and whereabouts of people’s children and spouses.”

Yeah, if the SPLC only goes after “hatred of people based on class characteristics”, don’t these Occutards qualify since the class of people they hate are those of us with jobs? Or, at least those of us with jobs who drive over bridges.

But, you need to read the whole interview in order to get the full retard effect. At least the interviewee finally admits that they’re only interested in “Right-wing” groups and only with leftist groups if they are somehow related to the Right.

They did blog about the bridge plot in their “Hate Watch Blog“, but it was immediately buried by four (count ’em…four) posts about JT Ready, the Neo-Nazi mass murderer in Arizona.

Category: Occupy, SPLC

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Yat Yas 1833

The SPLC has just made my Irrelevant List! They are in good company with the likes of al sharpton, jesse Jackson, etc.


I trust the FBI and our other alphabet agencies to track groups and activities like this a lot more than I would the SPLC.

I wouldn’t trust the SPLC to “track” an escaped convict with a working bloodhound.


Does anyone truly care what groups the SPLC tracks?


” . . . eye and skin color . . . ”

So — since I did not choose my eye color and skin complexion — I CAN’T HELP, what I do ??


Silly. Occupiers aren’t Christian. SPLC only tracks one demographic.


SPLC only deals with “hatred of people based on class characteristics,” which a little more pushing revealed meant “immutable characteristics such as a person’s eye or skin color.”

And yet according to their own “map” online, the SPLC is tracking a “fundamentalist” splinter group of Catholics in NH, the youngest member of which is something like 80 years old.

So yeah, lemme throw the bullshit flag on that one.


@2: I hate to break it to you, but the febs and other law enforcement agencies use information and data collected by the SPLC. The FBI even posts a link to the SPLC on their hate crime page.



And Homeland security has members of the SPLC on their Countering Violent Extremism Working Group.

Slide 27, 30



HO.LY. CRAP. The foxes are guarding the hen-house.

Marble Mountain


Money chasing assholes

AW1 Tim


Cedo Alteram

“At least the interviewee finally admits that they’re only interested in “Right-wing” groups and only with leftist groups if they are somehow related to the Right.” Yep, saw this earlier.

#7&#8 Thats the problem, the Feds see them or did as a objective source and they are far from it.

Doc Bailey

Colorme surprised.

I recently watched the “mcviegh tapes” and the fool they brought from the SLPC was very dismissive of the initial (entirely reasonable) supisition that it might’ve been Arabs. He suggested that critical time might’ve been wasted following errant leads despite not ten minuets later having an FBI specialist saying within the first couple of hours they had already had the VIN for the van used. Within a day they HAD mcveigh, then they go on to talk about the history behind it, and you’d have thought the Army put him up to it, more specifically it was Desert Storm (US=bully) that set him off.

Sorry but SLPC should NEVER be taken at their word. I would doubt them if they said the sky was blue, I’d find at least three sources to confirm that before taking SLPC at their word.


Doc, you’re reasonable. The SPLC preys on folks who believe that every cross-wearing white person is a Nazi wanting to cart them off to the gas chambers.

Will be interesting to see if SPLC, if not corporately then its employees, is providing funding to the Occupy movement.