RSSHealth Care debate

An apology for Obama

| December 6, 2011 | 38 Comments
An apology for Obama

This woman, Spike Dolomite Ward wrote a piece in the LA Times today entitled “‘Obamacare’ to the rescue A woman who felt President Obama had let the middle class down has changed her mind.” It’s about a woman and her family who was struck by the tragedy of breast cancer and caught without health insurance. […]

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We’re All Zombies on This Bus

| October 29, 2011 | 12 Comments
We’re All Zombies on This Bus

Are zombies real? Maybe… but they CAN teach us about ourselves. What Zombies Can Teach Us About Braaain Science Dr. Steven Schlozman, assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a lecturer at the Harvard School of Education, uses the undead to teach the living about the brain. In fact, he says, talking about […]

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Health care as a political weapon

| June 9, 2011 | 6 Comments
Health care as a political weapon

Last month, Indiana voted to stop providing tax payer money to Planned Parenthood which provides about half of the abortions in the state. The Obama Administration has threatened to cut off funds of low income families’ health care if the state doesn’t restore funding to Planned Parenthood; The question facing the Obama administration is whether […]

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In the Wreckage of an Almost-Shutdown

| April 9, 2011 | 24 Comments
In the Wreckage of an Almost-Shutdown

Today, a lot of us are taking a slightly ragged breath and relaxing a bit. Last night, around 11PM, a deal was reached that would extend for a week the operations of government as we know it. This is particularly meaningful for all of our servicemembers, many serving in harm’s way, who had already opened […]

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Zombie; Death Channels

| February 22, 2011 | 2 Comments
Zombie; Death Channels

Our buddy, Zombie, sends us a link to his/her latest post; In short: a relative of mine became mortally ill, but the hospital would not treat him due to an “Advance Health Care Directive” he had signed long ago saying he did not want doctors to “artificially prolong” his life in the case of serious […]

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Loosely related stuff about the Tucson shooting

| January 10, 2011 | 6 Comments
Loosely related stuff about the Tucson shooting

I’ve been on pins and needles wondering what the VFW thought of the shooting. They sent me an email to let me know that they condemn it. I’ll bet it was a real squeaker in committee. Gateway Pundit says that Bob Kerrey claims that Louchner was upset that Republicans were going to repeal Obamacare. Seriously? […]

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Wikileaks: Cuba didn’t like the propaganda in “Sicko”

| December 18, 2010 | 10 Comments
Wikileaks: Cuba didn’t like the propaganda in “Sicko”

The Guardian reports that one Wikileak-released State Department cable discussed the Cuban reaction to Michael Moore’s Oscar-nominated (for the lack of a better word) documentary “Sicko”, supposedly a comparison of the US health care system and that of the Caribbean island. Cuba banned Michael Moore’s 2007 documentary, Sicko, because it painted such a “mythically” favourable […]

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Nurse accidentally pulls the plug on patient

| October 28, 2010 | 16 Comments
Nurse accidentally pulls the plug on patient

ROS sends us a link to a news story about that wonderful social medicine in Britain. 37-year-old Jamie Merrett, paralyzed from the neck down and around-the-clock care, went without machine-supplied air for 21 minutes; In 2008, though, he started to become increasingly concerned over serious errors made by nurses operating his ventilator, his sister Karren […]

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