Loosely related stuff about the Tucson shooting

| January 10, 2011

I’ve been on pins and needles wondering what the VFW thought of the shooting. They sent me an email to let me know that they condemn it. I’ll bet it was a real squeaker in committee.

Gateway Pundit says that Bob Kerrey claims that Louchner was upset that Republicans were going to repeal Obamacare. Seriously? Does anyone honestly think this pothead even knows what healthcare is let alone worried about who’s going to pay for his?

Someone somehow connected to the military leaked to Associated Press that Loughner was rejected because he popped hot on a piss test.

Our president is going to stand for a moment of silence on the White House lawn today. How long did it take for him to acknowledge that the shooting in Fort Hood even happened and already he’s spent three days on this one…I guess bureaucrats getting shot is more important than soldiers preparing to go to war getting shot on their base.

Hillary Clinton took a leap today and called Loughner “extremist” at a townhall meeting at Abu Dhabi’s Zayed University. I guess she’s the only one who can summon the testicular fortitude. Everyone else passes him off as a run-of-the-mill Republican, minus the monocle, top hat, cane and cigar.

Speaking of Hillary, the refugees at Hillbuzz have words of warnings for conservatives;

If you are a conservative and you are reading this, I hope you realize that “taking the high road”, “just ignore them”, and all the other cliches commonly tossed at you to make you sit quietly and take whatever the Left is doing that day are just not acceptable anymore. You must see the Left and its media propaganda wing for what they truly are — and you must realize the two work hand in hand to do whatever they can to help Democrats.

Old Trooper sent us a link to Michelle Malkin’s lead today. It’s a loooooooong refresher of the Left’s hate over the last decade or so. You’ll want to spend some time reading it.

You’ll be relieved to know that the Homeland Security Department hasn’t found a link between Loughner and the Right Wing yet…but you can bet it’s not from the lack of trying.

A suspicious package, which apparently turned out to be nothing, cleared the Metro station out on Capitol Hill today. Another former Democrat staffer was found dead in her burning car in her burning garage this morning.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Bloggers, Breaking News, Gun Grabbing Fascists, Health Care debate, I hate hippies, Veterans Issues

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Bob Kerrey = Thanh Phong Massacre

And remember Gary Solis who stood up for Bob Kerrey’s actions, but strongly and publicly accused the Haditha Marines?


Heh! Remember Hillary’s husband, Bill, pardoned domestic terrorist Susan L. Rosenberg, a one-time member of the Weather Underground terrorist group who was charged in the notorious 1981 Brink’s robbery.

– Eric Holder will be the next U.S. Attorney General despite his highly controversial past and serious political baggage. As deputy attorney general Holder played a leading role in Bill Clinton’s disgraceful last-minute pardons, including millionaire commodities broker Marc Rich who fled the country to escape prosecution for tax evasion, racketeering and trading with the enemy as well as two Weather Underground terrorists serving lengthy prison sentences.

On August 11, 1999, Clinton commuted the sentences of 16 members of FALN, a violent Puerto Rican terrorist group that set off 120 bombs in the United States, mostly in New York City and Chicago. There were convictions for conspiracy to commit robbery, bomb-making, and sedition, as well as firearms and explosives violations.[3] The 16 were convicted of conspiracy and sedition and sentenced with terms ranging from 35 to 105 years in prison. Congress, however, recognizes that the FALN is responsible for “6 deaths and the permanent maiming of dozens of others, including law enforcement officials.”

Maybe the Holder/Clinton/Obama Group, Inc. will pardon Loughner?


Looks like Sheriff Dupnik may have been spouting off about “right wing rhetoric” to cover his own ass.


“Gateway Pundit says that Bob Kerrey claims that Louchner was upset that Republicans were going to repeal Obamacare. Seriously? Does anyone honestly think this pothead even knows what healthcare is let alone worried about who’s going to pay for his”? Come on, he’s been out of touch with reality for a long time, but is Bob Kerrey really a pothead?
And the only way Kerrey would know this is??? Has he been in direct contact with the guy? Or, do they communicate telepathically?

Old Trooper

It sounds like our bestest buddies from WBC are going to that little girl’s funeral. I really hope they aren’t that stupid.

Bubblehead Ray

OT, you already know the answer to that one.