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Transgender veterans suing the Department of Veterans Affairs

| January 27, 2024 | 86 Comments
Transgender veterans suing the Department of Veterans Affairs

The Transgender American Veterans Association (TAVA) initiated a lawsuit against the Department of Veterans Affairs. The lawsuit involves the delay in providing gender affirming surgery. This delay in providing this type of service keeps transgender veterans in “limbo.” Bekky Eshler, the organization’s president, implied that transgendered veterans not feeling “at home” with their natural gender […]

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The Department of Veterans Affairs says it is not paying for illegal alien healthcare

| January 17, 2024 | 18 Comments
The Department of Veterans Affairs says it is not paying for illegal alien healthcare

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) clarified a payment process involving healthcare provided to illegal aliens. The VA pointed to an agreement that has been in place since 2002. This policy/rule allows the VA to process and pay claims related to ICE, but with funding provided by ICE. Care was provided via ICE, the VA […]

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Employees with the VA facing additional mandatory overtime

| December 3, 2023 | 39 Comments
Employees with the VA facing additional mandatory overtime

The passage of the PACT Act opened the door for veterans to file additional claims, or for veterans to file claims for the first time. The number of claims submitted to the VA exceeded what the VA normally receives. Over the past 13 months, the VA saw over 750,000 new claims. From the Military Times: […]

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VA Crisis Hotline: “Please hold for the next available counselor. “*click*

| November 17, 2023 | 21 Comments
VA Crisis Hotline: “Please hold for the next available counselor. “*click*

“Your call is important to us.” Vets calling crisis line get lost in system, whistleblowers warn By Leo Shane III A key Senate Republican is demanding a full investigation into whistleblowers’ accusations that Veterans Crisis Line staffers are ignoring calls from some hostile or problematic veterans rather than providing prompt emergency mental health care. In […]

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The US Department of Veterans Affairs has almost 450,000 staff, but still hiring

| November 10, 2023 | 11 Comments
The US Department of Veterans Affairs has almost 450,000 staff, but still hiring

The US Department of Veterans Affairs is the second largest federal employer. The VA has almost 450,000 workers. However, Denis McDonough, VA Secretary, believes that this department should have more staff. McDonough says that this is not a case of the VA being “too big.” Instead, there is a need for more veterans to access […]

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Psychedelics to treat veterans with PTSD? Research underway…

| November 8, 2023 | 13 Comments
Psychedelics to treat veterans with PTSD? Research underway…

Juliana Mercer is a Marine Corps veteran who served in both Iraq and in Afghanistan. To help address what she was going through after her return, Mercer traveled to a Central American country. A non-profit pointed the way leading Mercer to travel to where she could leverage magic mushrooms. today, she advocates for the use […]

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‘Mentally incompetent ‘ vets?

| November 1, 2023 | 44 Comments
‘Mentally incompetent ‘ vets?

Look to hear that phrase more in the near future: The Senate has approved a measure that would ease some veterans’ access to guns, brushing aside objections from most Democrats and the Department of Veterans Affairs that doing so could hinder suicide prevention efforts. The legislation would prohibit the VA from reporting veterans who are […]

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Melanie Gutermuth AKA Melanie Marshall AKA Melanie Going, finally found guilty.

| October 3, 2023 | 48 Comments
Melanie Gutermuth AKA Melanie Marshall  AKA Melanie Going, finally found guilty.

Our phony princess Melanie Gutermuth has finally been found guilty of theft from the Veterans Administration.  From our post in 2013.  If people would have listened way back when this could have been stopped much earlier.  It is nice to see these people being held accountable, too bad we don’t get to see the VA […]

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