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5 Marines confirmed killed in crash of CH-53E Super Stallion

| February 8, 2024 | 18 Comments
5 Marines confirmed killed in crash of CH-53E Super Stallion

After an extensive search for an overdue Marine Corps Super Stallion flying from Creech AFB, Nevada to MCAS Miramar, California, the wreckage was located yesterday. Heavy storms striking California hindered rescue crews from confirming what we all feared. It’s just been confirmed minutes ago, more than a day and a half after the aircrew went […]

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Toby Keith dies of stomach cancer

| February 7, 2024 | 46 Comments
Toby Keith dies of stomach cancer

Sad news in the entertainment world yesterday. Country music superstar Toby Keith has died at the age of 62 after suffering the past couple years with stomach cancer. The older I get, the more tragically young a 62 year-old’s death seems. Funny how that works. Normally we only highlight the deaths of celebrities when they’re […]

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Wednesday shorts

| January 3, 2024 | 35 Comments
Wednesday shorts

Good news for Marine junior officers – the Corps has announced they will be doing away with one of everyone’s least favorite institutions, the promotion board, for aspiring O-3s. Although temporary for 2025-2026, this will most likely become permanent. “The change to an AFQOL allows the Marine Corps to continue selecting fully qualified officers for […]

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Possible terror attack at Niagara Falls

| November 22, 2023 | 67 Comments
Possible terror attack at Niagara Falls

Another thing Biden’s brought back, terrorist bombings on US soil! Word on the street is that a vehicle explosion on the Rainbow Bridge at the US-Canada border crossing in Niagara Falls is a failed terror attack. Details are sparse at the moment, but at least two are reported dead and a single US Border Patrol […]

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WWII vet, TV game show legend Bob Barker dies, aged 99

| August 26, 2023 | 17 Comments
WWII vet, TV game show legend Bob Barker dies, aged 99

Sad news today that we’ve lost another of the Greatest Generation. Bob Barker, beloved host of The Price is Right for 35 years, has died at age 99. Before his illustrious career in television (that also led to a hilarious self-deprecating cameo in Happy Gilmore), Barker was a US Naval Aviator. As with most men […]

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Another warbird crash

| August 2, 2023 | 22 Comments
Another warbird crash

This past weekend at the Oshkosh Airventure in Wisconsin there were two crashes involving three aircraft, which claimed the lives of four aviators. A helicopter and gyrocopter collided in midair over the portion of the airfield designated for the air show on Saturday afternoon. Both pilots perished. This was just hours after the above pictured […]

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Bergdahl conviction overturned

| July 26, 2023 | 69 Comments
Bergdahl conviction overturned

  Remember Bowe Bergdahl? Captured by the Taliban after going walkabout, Bergdahl was feted by the Obama White House until convicted of desertion. Probably no need to point out the US service member injured while looking for him, either… The ruling from U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton in Washington says that military judge Jeffrey Nance, […]

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Stating the blindingly obvious

| July 24, 2023 | 34 Comments
Stating the blindingly obvious

Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are upset that they are not seeing all the info on UFOs and UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, one of the newer buzzwords.) An amendment has been proposed ordering the release of such records unless deemed classified by a special review board. The amendment was sponsored by Senate Majority […]

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