Larry “foot in mouth” O’Donnell attacks Cain for “avoiding” the draft
I’m sorry, but I just can’t imagine a bigger dumbass than MSNBC’s Laurence O’Donnell. In a Newsbusters link sent to us by AverageNCO, O’Donnell, who avoided the draft with college deferments, questions Herman Cain about his deferments from his draft board because of his critical work for the Navy; I am offended on behalf of […]
AP’s bias
There’s an article at Stars & Stripes from an AP newswire story about a Pew Poll which if you bother to read says this about the troops they polled; The poll results presented by the Pew Research Center portray post-9/11 veterans as proud of their work, scarred by warfare and convinced that the American public […]
Canton Patch: How to Verify Military Claims
Our buddy, Peg McNichol at the Canton Patch wrote an excellent article today about how we “outed” phony SF Major, Ray Schepansky, the gun-toting, Kia-driving Detroit area teacher and why checking outlandish claims of military service is so important; Military records should be checked, he said for two reasons: an employer’s responsibility to provide a […]
More Bush’s fault empty rhetoric
The New York Times is batting a thousand today. A columnist Bill Keller tries to explain to us how awesome Obama is and that’s why he’s so unpopular these days. He begins by telling us how hopeful he was that the ‘partisanship” of the Bush years had ended while he meandered through the crowd at […]
The hypocritical media
Rurik sends a link to Pajamas Media about the main publishers of the Wikileaks documents who published a joint statement in regards to the latest massive of unedited documents. Quoting from AdWeek; In a joint statement they put out Friday, the New York Times, the Guardian, El Pais, Der Spiegel, and Le Monde condemned WikiLeaks […]
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