Larry “foot in mouth” O’Donnell attacks Cain for “avoiding” the draft

| October 10, 2011

I’m sorry, but I just can’t imagine a bigger dumbass than MSNBC’s Laurence O’Donnell. In a Newsbusters link sent to us by AverageNCO, O’Donnell, who avoided the draft with college deferments, questions Herman Cain about his deferments from his draft board because of his critical work for the Navy;

I am offended on behalf of all the veterans of the Vietnam War who joined, Mr. Cain. The veterans who did not wait to be drafted like John Kerry who joined. They didn’t sit there and wait to find out what their draft board was going to do. They had the courage to join and to go and fight that war. What prevented you from joining, and what gives you the feeling that after having made that choice you should be the Commander-in-Chief?

I’m offended that draft dodger O’Donnell thinks he can speak for “all of the veterans” of any war. Now, I’m no Vietnam veteran, myelf (I turned seventeen the last year of the draft), but I didn’t hear O’Donnell speak up when Bill Clinton, the quintessential draft dodger was running for office. Nor did O’Donnell bother to stick up for George H.W. Bush – the veteran in the 1992 election, or Bob Dole, the veteran in the 1996 election – both of whom faced a true draft dodger candidate.

His feigned outrage rings hollow at this late date. It always seems that Republicans are always “avoiding Vietnam” even if they join the military, but Democrats aren’t expected to join the military at all.

Category: Liberals suck, Media

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O’Donnell and the rest of his ilk wouldn’t amount to a pimple on the ass of any (you pick the branch) active or vet.
I’m amazed they don’t drown in that vat Kool Aid they swim in.


Vietnam Vet for Cain.

Old Trooper

I guess O’Donnell thinks his audience is stupid enough to believe his bullshit. Oh, wait, they are.


This illustrates just why O’Donnell is the Hannity of the left.

Doc Bailey

are you &*%#ing s**ting me? Cain was activly involved in helping his country, and this dipshit was activly trying to do anything BUT and he has the balls to “speak for” ANY veteran of ANY war?

As an Gulf War 2 vet I say, I’d NEVER vote for Kerry, cuz he sold us out, and I WOULD vote for Cain, because as much as I’d like a strong CiC we need a guy with business sense.


Lawrence verbally attacked swift boat vet John O’Neill on behalf of Larry’s favorite veteran, John Kerry, back in ’04. Larry the Lunatic replaced Snake Eyes Jordan’s dad, Keith Olbermann, when Keith got the royal boot. But larry is having a hard time holding his job. In September his show was down -22% in viewership and -35% in the the younger viewer category. I guess even lefties tire of repeated lies after a while.

Zero Ponsdorf

Of the current crop ‘o candidates I’m for Cain.


Yep another Viet Vet for Cain here.


Cain is one of the better…in a cast of motley contestants.


Heard on a radio show this morning: Voting for Obama last time is proof that you are not a racist. Voting for him next time is proof that you’re not an idiot.


Screwed that up. It was supposed to be NOT voting for him next time is proof that you’re not an idiot.

tavern knight

Vietnam-Era Vet for Cain.


I’m waiting for Bill Clinton’s response on this.

Doc Bailey

I was a racist? DAMMIT! Oh it all makes sense. Its not that I want a strong economy small government and low taxes, I just hate black people. Man that chick Garafillo was right! I am one racist SOB.
/sarc off

why is it only one side EVER brings up race, and always uses it like a billy club to beat people with?

Cedo Alteram

“I am offended on behalf of all the veterans of the Vietnam War who joined…” who elected you to represent them, dumbass? The audacity of that quote is priceless. Vietnam Vets need you,ofall people, to air their views and/or grievances? I got news for you boy-yo, they started that almost as soon as the war ended.

God Damn! I knew when I read that first line above, he was somehow going to link this to Kerry. Drum roll…. “The veterans who did not wait to be drafted like John Kerry who joined.” So did John O’Neill(think that was his name), you remember the leader of the swift boaters, who commanded the exact boat that Kerry had, and overlapped with many of the same people. The man you had to shout down in aninterview, even Pat Buchanan was noticably stunned by your behaviour. Kinda of arbitrary there Lawrence,with what Vietnam Vets you sanctify and those you don’t.

“hey didn’t sit there and wait to find out what their draft board was going to do.” Again he explainsthis, not everyone who might eligible, is ever conscripted, short of the possible destruction of the whole nation. We didn’t need a Volksstrum, because there was no chance the NVA were going to invade, you moron!

He was a scientist, designing weapons for the Navy. With such an occupation,he most likely would have been deferred from World war II as well.This is exactly the kind of individual that these kind of speciality wavers were created for. Short of being in the service this is the next best thing. Whats your excuse O’Donnell?

Sorry for any typos, sometimes this comment section eats my corrections and sometimes it doesn’t. Its kinda of tedious to retype everything to a certain mistake in a reread.


What were the years that Cain served the US Navy as a
Rocket Scientist? You know, in a position far more important to them than another sailor??

Yeah, we had one of those in my family, too. Guess these lefty clowns aren’t smart enough to understand the concept that the serious brainiacs (as Cain was and is) (as my uncle was) had much more important things to be doing for them than we mere mortals who needed training until they found something useful for us to do.

Oh, they are soooo pitiful! No, he wasn’t a combat vet, but he developed missle systems that no one else could design. For the Navy. Close enough for me for me to feel confident that he fully understands the needs of the military!