The hypocritical media

| September 4, 2011

Rurik sends a link to Pajamas Media about the main publishers of the Wikileaks documents who published a joint statement in regards to the latest massive of unedited documents. Quoting from AdWeek;

In a joint statement they put out Friday, the New York Times, the Guardian, El Pais, Der Spiegel, and Le Monde condemned WikiLeaks for releasing via Twitter the unedited versions of all 251,000 of the secret U.S. diplomatic cables in its possession. “We deplore the decision of WikiLeaks to publish the unredacted state department cables, which may put sources at risk,” the news organizations said in the statement, which was published in the Guardian.

This after years of proclaiming Julian Aasange some sort of modern day saint, suddenly, now that australia is contemplating charges against Assange for releasing unredacted material which equates to a counterintelligence operation against the West. Now the media is trying to distance themselves from him and his organization – but they encouraged him in the first place.

I guess those flea bites itch.

Category: Media

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Emphasis on the word “unredacted”. Had they been edited to further the liberal media’s agenda, it wouldn’t be an issue.


Unredacted = violating national espionage laws. Only the NYT will get away with it.

Fortunately, Progressives have already forgotten about WikiLeaks, since so many of its releases destroyed their myths of Bushitler, Darth Cheney, and their inevitable march of death, doom, and discount oil.