More Washington Post electioneering BS

| October 13, 2011

My delicate eyes were assaulted by this headline in the business section of the Washington Post this morning;

A win? Relly? The trade deals with South Korea, Colombia and Panama were all negotiated under President Bush. They were stalled by Democrats during their reign in Congress for various left-wing reasons (they wanted fewer unionists killed in Colombia and they were angry that Martinelli, a conservative, was elected in Panama). Republicans in Congress have pushing for passage of these Free Trade Agreements for more than four years – so congratualations, Mr President, you get a “win” because the republicans took Congress.

Given the famous political leanings of the Post, I’m sure if their archivs went back far enough, I could probably find instances of their opposition to the Bush Administration’s attemts at passing the FTAs with Colombia and Panama. I did however find a Washington Post article from 2007 in which they report that Democrats were holding up the FTA with Colombia;

And a Huffington Post article from just a few days ago which still opposes the Colombia FTA for leftist reasons.

But, yeah, congats Mr Obama for getting the Republicans to vote the way they’ve wanted to vote for more than four years.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media

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Not to mention that when the Dems held the house, the Senate and the WH they could have pushed these through easily.


So… this is a foreign policy win?

Dems don’t do much of anything without an ulterior motive – usually tied to the desires of the folks who give them money. Who wins among the Progs by passing these FTA?

Doc Bailey

this is a win?