
CIA prevents use of upgraded underwear bomb

| May 7, 2012 | 19 Comments
CIA prevents use of upgraded underwear bomb

The CIA stopped a potential underwear bomber from boarding a flight while he was still in Yemen. According to the Associated Press, the detonation device was supposed to be more reliable than the one which toasted the nuts of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab over Detroit on Christman 2009; The FBI is examining the latest bomb to […]

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David Maraniss: Obama’s military connection

| May 6, 2012 | 30 Comments
David Maraniss: Obama’s military connection

Washington Post’s David Maraniss reaches out and gives the Obama campaign a happy ending today in what can only be considered a real piece of crap entitled “Obama’s military connection“. Maraniss tells us that Obama was born to be commander-in-chief of the military because he knew people who knew people who had been in the […]

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Single arrest in Norfolk mob beating

| May 4, 2012 | 10 Comments
Single arrest in Norfolk mob beating

I absolutely hate to link to World Net Daily, but in this incident, they seem to be the only ones reporting it (which makes the report mildly suspicious all by itself). But at their link, sent to us by Hondo, they’re reporting that Norfolk police have made a single arrest in the case of the […]

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American Homecomings

| May 3, 2012 | 5 Comments
American Homecomings

Scott Blanchard of the York (Pennsylvania) Daily Record and Sunday News sent us a note about their project that they’re involved in along with other news organizations and sponsored by the Denver Post called “American Homecomings“. Scott say that the project “will chronicle the lives of several military members as they return from Iraq and […]

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How to misunderstand the CIB

| April 22, 2012 | 18 Comments
How to misunderstand the CIB

Chief Tango sent us a link to a Washington Post article about a young lieutenant who mistakenly shot a subordinate Pfc. David H. Sharrett II. If there is any truth to the story, he certainly deserves to be investigated. But, it’s clear to me that the Washington Post doesn’t understand the Combat Infantryman Badge. First, […]

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Bacevich: Military leaders need to take responsibility for troops’ actions

| April 21, 2012 | 13 Comments
Bacevich: Military leaders need to take responsibility for troops’ actions

In today’s Washington Post, Andrew J. Bacevich writes that the problem in Afghanistan these days is that the commanders aren’t taking enough responsibility for their troops’ malfeasance; For too long now, command accountability for our troops’ misconduct in wartime has been more theoretical than real. The latest scandal to erupt in Afghanistan — photographs of […]

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A Whore by any other Name…

| April 20, 2012 | 60 Comments
A Whore by any other Name…

Quick question: Just what is the difference between what the Colombian femmes de noché did for our Secret Service agents and their military support team and what the mainstream media is doing for their anointed leader, Barack Obama? Actually I have more respect for women who lay back and allow their bodies to be used […]

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That which Jimbo has wrought

| April 20, 2012 | 16 Comments
That which Jimbo has wrought

Apparently, we’ve stumbled upon a problem that is more widespread that we thought at first. COB6 sends; I am very disappointed that you chose to post the merciless and disturbing photo of the former SF soldier senselessly destroying innocent shrubbery. Surely you realize that this can only trigger other veterans with repressed rage against innocents! […]

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