Eric Boehlert, the partisan flack
For those of you who missed Sparky’s link in the comments, here’s the Twitter shot of Eric Boehlert’s remark about the folks of Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund’s video they sent us yesterday; Get that? They don’t have the “guts”. Well, here are the tweets dear Eric has sent today; See anything critical of the […]
The MSM: It’s Hard to Be “Green”
The Mainstream Media (MSM) – geez, you just gotta love that commitment to the environment! Reporting is hard work. It sometimes means you have to do some leg work and fact checking – like background research, follow-ups, calling people, and (gulp!) sometimes even go somewhere and interview sources. But all of that takes time. And […]
More Predictable Sensationalism from the Media
We all know the media lives on sensationalism. But the willingness of the media to manufacture the sensational out of nothing is sometimes breathtaking. Take this article from the LA Times. Here, the headline breathlessly reads “Sikh temple shooting: Gunman had been on investigators’ radar”. The article goes on to begin Federal investigators had “looked […]
That Sikh shooter thing
I don’t want to dwell on this whole Sikh shooter thing like the media seems to be, but on my way out the door at work today, I heard Shepard Smith on Fox News make a stupid crack about Page just being just a psy-ops guy but that he worked around the best trained troops […]
Sometimes One Individual Can Make a Difference
The Clackamas Town Center mall in Oregon has a “kiddie train”. Some time ago, mall management noticed that the kiddie train conductor had adorned the train with the American flag. Mall management was not amused. They decided the flag was an “unapproved visual”, and ordered it removed. However, the train’s conductor balked. And not only did […]
Recapping what we know about James Holmes
OK, we didn’t know much when we woke up this morning and discovered that James Holmes had shot more than 60 people at a movie showing in Aurora, CO just after midnight. But that didn’t stop ABC from tying the shooter to the TeaParty. Of course, they had to retract that claim because they found […]
That shooting in Colorado
I’m sure you’ve already read or heard about the tragic shooting in Aurora, Colorado last night at a showing of the movie “The Dark Knight”. I’m hearing that 15 are dead and 50 others are injured. But, as tragic as it is, the media, and especially Fox News, have made me not care about it […]
The post in which I end my feud with Rick Maze
Yeah, it was fun while it lasted, but I guess it’s time I end my feud with Military Times’ Rick Maze. So this is my public unilateral withdrawal from the fray. I will however continue to hold him to a journalistic standard, but maybe I won’t do it in the manner to which I’ve become […]
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