Eric Boehlert, the partisan flack

| August 16, 2012

For those of you who missed Sparky’s link in the comments, here’s the Twitter shot of Eric Boehlert’s remark about the folks of Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund’s video they sent us yesterday;

Get that? They don’t have the “guts”.

Well, here are the tweets dear Eric has sent today;

See anything critical of the Obama Administration there? No, me either. Looking at Boehlert’s Wiki page;

Eric Boehlert is an American writer at Media Matters for America. Prior to this he was a senior writer for Salon for five years, and before that a contributing editor to Rolling Stone.

See anything that might indicate Boehlert ever said anything good about any Conservative? Me neither.

The folks at OPSEC respond;

“We’re clearly not gutless. We’re in the public right now, completely out there,” [SEAL Scott] Taylor said.

“Everything’s out there. It’s interesting how the [L]eft is trying to frame this as a partisan issue. I don’t care what party people are from within our group,” Taylor said. “This issue is about national security leaks.”

“I wonder how many of this guy’s close friends he’s buried,” he added, referring to Boehlert.

Since Boehlert’s bio at Wiki doesn’t include any military service, I’d have to guess “none” due to operational security violations.

And I’d have to add that Boehlert doesn’t have the guts to admit that he’s a Soros/Obama flack.

Category: Liberals suck, Media

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In Boehlert’s defense, it was kind of awesome the way took out Osama Bin Ladin.


No one ever gives Eric Boehlert any credit for his amazing tactical planning for the Death Star raid.


Boehlert…I’m not a SEAL and I’ll call ya a gutless fucking turd to your face. Name time/date/place.

Yat Yas 1833

Now, now Sparky. We mustn’t disgrace “never were” fother muckers who would insult real men. We can’t hurt his little panty waste sensibilities by calling him what he is, a worthless piece of shit!

ex af

Hate to tell you SEALs this, but your own have written books on your operational procedures. This is nothing but a GOP flack group. Once an operation happens, secrecy and opsec go out the window. The gomers know what happened. The SEALs know what happened, Osama’s wives on the ground were left there. This is nothing but BS to try to swiftboat the POTUS. Ah well, so much for chain of command now, eh? We only like GOP POTUS now???

Old Trooper

I could just see Boehlert standing in front of Grady, Chris Kyle, or MSG Comstock as he’s mouthing his bullshit. He would wet his underoos and start sucking his thumb while getting into the fetal position. It’s easy for him to tweet it, but wouldn’t want to do it in person.

Old Trooper

@6: Yeah, I’m sure the Paki’s read those books and then went out and rolled up the doctor who helped us. Nice try. Why don’t you go back over to DU and stroke your flaccid weenie while reading about hairy legged hippies.


@6…”Once an operation happens, secrecy and opsec go out the window. ” Really? Not a SEAL here (nor even eligible to vote GOP or Dem – unless I adopt the Chicago way…lol) but as a long term observer of US Military matters, I have to say that if you really believe what you said, you have been ‘ex’ of the wrong Military …you don’t REALLY believe, do you???!

Every Military person I have ever known abides by the ‘need to know’ ethos, and frankly? The way your POTUS ran to the closest mic almost before the SEALS – and their dog – had left the country, was inexcusable. None of us outside the operational loop needed to know ANY of the details other than that OBL was fish food. THAT was all that needed to be publicy said..Period. End of story.


@6 Hi Frank Schiffel.

Oh, and you put your email address in the link that should have been for your website. oops. See, the email block says it won’t be published, but the website one says it will be.

The problem with your CINC theory is of course that these folks (and those commenting here) are no longer IN the service. Should you wish to look more up on the subject, kindly look up the comments of active duty individuals during the Bush administration (Choi, Rieckhoff et al) and differentiate for us. Thank you.


And this from the ‘VoteVets’ crowd? Please … ‘partisan flack’ barely covers it — maybe ‘political prostitute’ would be more accurate.

Common Sense

“but your own have written books on your operational procedures”

Yes, and every one of them worked with their command to be careful NOT to reveal any classified info. Perhaps before commenting on certain books, you should take the time to read them.

The books were also written long after the missions were completed. Unlike Obama who announced classified details while our guys sweat still scented the air in Pakistan.


I do see this as a ‘partisan’ issue, but not with any malice or insult attached to the word. They feel the Obama administration is responsible, so they’re going after it.

What I personally find difficult to believe is that all of the leaks have come from the Obama administration, let alone the President himself. Today’s equivalent of ‘follow the money’ is probably ‘follow the votes’, and frankly, some of the leaked information has made liberals very unhappy. And nothing is going to make conservatives happy with the President. So a net result of depressed liberal votes with no equalizing uptick in conservative votes for the President in the next election? That doesn’t sound like a sound strategy. I’d bet it’s more likely that they leaked SOME things, others were leaked by people who just wanted to feed their egos, and some, probably, were leaked by people from the other end of the political spectrum.

Maybe I’m just old and cynical, but I’d bet anyone a drink that left or right, you can find politicians or staffers willing to justify leaking classified information because they feel winning the next election is ‘worth it’. And because, frankly, we’ve taken such a casual view of leaked after-action classified information that the notion of punishment for doing so is pretty laughable.

That said, Boehlert is an idiot.


… Having just gone through the slides on their webpage, I do see they mention ‘stopping the politicians, Obama and others’, which makes it ever-so-slightly less completely partisan. I guess I still wish a slightly higher road was taken, though, since better OPSEC is a very, very worthy goal.

Also, in case any of those guys are reading this, you should probably fix a minor issue with slide #11 – it refers to Bob Kerrey as a ‘Former Seal’.


Ex AF…as a former submariner I signed many Page 13 statements that where I went, what I did, etc., I would NEVER discuss with anyone, even my fellow crew members. So NO, Opsec NEVER “goes out the window” as you put it.

Anyone who claims otherwise is a traitor or a liar…or both.


@6 Another F@$%’in AF pussy I have to deal with every fucking day. (I’m prior army 11yrs before I went “blue”) Gosh I cant wait to retire next year and get the hell away from some of my wingnut bretheran…


Old Trooper!! That one needed a spew alert…The diarrhea would be running down af’s leg if he were to even know who Chris Kyle was…Always the idiots who want to toss shit around and know not of what they speak. meh. I bet I could kick his ass. Me AND my proverbial balls!! 🙂

Joe Williams

I think that we should put Nicki and Ros in charge of dealing with these traitors. Also to handle the politos who never served but more about war than the Generals who spent a lifetime . Joe


@6…Yeah, just another “Swiftboat”. Just complete ignore the FACT that there are one, two, THREE groups like this of former SEALs, SF, Rangers and D-boys.

They must all be out to get you Dems, must be a GOP conspiracy, let’s just ignore all the info the “Commander” (I use that term loosely here)in chief has had his people leak out in the name of political gain.

Let us know YOUR credentials before you spout off. Until then, kindly sit in the corner with the rest of the dunces and shut the fuck up. 🙂


@17 Haters gonna hate (ADAF) 😛


@6, Shouldn’t you be over at DU with your brethren stroking each others………egos?

Old Tanker

Borrowed this from another blog…

Top ten acts of spectacular courage and iron-willed determination demonstrated by Eric “Brass Balls” Boehlert:

1) Once spotted a penny on the sidewalk and stopped to pick it up, flouting the sneers of his well-heeled friends.

2) Removed the tag that says “Do Not Remove” from his mattress.

3) Doesn’t yield to the guy on his right at four-way stop-signs.

4) Ate just one potato chip.

5) Bought a quart of milk one whole day after the “sell-by” date.

6) Took his teacup poodle, Genghis Khan, to the park one day and didn’t pick up his poop.

7) Had lunch with David Brooks and savagely used all the butter pats on a slice of rye bread, leaving David to gnaw on a dry piece of Melba toast.

8) Didn’t recycle an empty bottle of Slim-Fast.

9) Sneaked into the men’s room at Chick-Fil-A, wearing dark glasses, a wig and an Assyrian beard, and wrote the word “Haters!” on the wall (in pencil).

10) Goes swimming 55 minutes after eating.


Old Tanker, that was classic. Thankfully, I’m between cups of coffee, or I would have ruined a keyboard.


He once disagreed with something Obama said.

He is–the most brown-nosing person in the world.

Stay thirsty, my friends.


I dunno, I’d watch out for those Media Matters boys. They’ve been known to be illegally packing Glocks. Dangerous folks, them.


@26, did you mispell “cocks”?