DC Police investigate Gregory
According to a link sent us by Hondo, Snafu Dude and Preston, from Breitbart‘s Warner Todd Huston, the DC police are investigating whether David Gregory violated DC’s restrictive laws against large-capacity magazines. Breitbart contacted the office of the police chief and asked if there were any plans to look into this apparent violation of the […]
The media and guns
I guess NBC’s David Gregory fancies himself in the vanguard of gun control in the media. He confronted Wayne LaPierre, from the NRA yesterday on Meet the Press with what looks like a 30-round AR15 magazine. The problem is that the NBC studio is in downtown DC a few blocks from the White House and […]
Karen Jeffrey: making up news
Chief Tango sends us a link in the Cape Cod Times in which the periodical is forced to apologize for their “journalist” Karen Jeffrey who has been making up sources for her articles for the last 30 years. 69 phony sources in 34 articles since 1998. The investigation of Jeffrey’s work began Nov. 12 when […]
WaPost supports Tricare hikes
Chief Tango and Pat sent us a link to the Washington Post’s editorial today in which the Post advocates jacking up Tricare costs for military retirees. Yeah, big surprise that the liberals at the Washington Post, who support Obamacare on the false premise that it will lower everyone’s healthcare costs, is willing to jack up […]
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