2024 Election
Change of pace
Well, been picking on the Biden folks pretty hard lately. Lest anyone think there is any bias from my end – I heartily dislike ALL of ’em – let’s go look at some Orange-spew for the day. “What I want to do, and what I will do, is you graduate from a college, I think […]
Watch Joe self-contort
Tonight it will be interesting to see which Joe Biden shows up. Is it gonna be “I’m so successful that crime is falling” Joe? Or will it be “crime is out of control ban all the guns” Joe? Can he do both in one debate? The smart money says “Oh, yeah, without even breaking a […]
Says something when your enemies agree with you
Starting off the week – remember Andrew Cuomo? Former Democrat governor of New York? (No, not former Democrat, former gov.) Had some, what we call “real interesting” things to say this week about Trump’s trial. Cuomo, in an interview Friday on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” argued that the case should have “never” […]
Illegal immigration being used to shift demographics in favor of Democrats
As many who comment here suspect, the Democrats appear to be facilitating illegal immigration into the United States. Project Veritas successfully recorded an interview capturing State Department officials substantiating elements of the Great Replacement Theory. The video captures statements that criminals are coming in on a daily basis, that the majority of the good, hardworking […]
DHS calls out potential terrorists
Well, some of ya seem to be a triple threat. A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) advisory board suggested that supporters of former President Donald Trump – as well as those who served in the military or are religious – have a greater possibility of posing domestic terrorism risks, according to internal files obtained by […]
Yes, she really said it
The Washington Post’s Kathleen Parker hit a new high – or low – Friday the 14th. “No one has mentioned her as a possible running mate for Biden as far as I know, but why not replace Harris with Clinton?” Apparently she is concerned with Biden’s current ratings as moribund as month-old-Alpo, so she wants […]
Kamala Harris proposes $25,000 down and $400 monthly towards mortgage
However, there’s a catch. To be eligible, buyers must be the first generation in their family to buy a home. Additionally, a certain group of people will receive $400 monthly towards mortgage. Harris appears to be appealing to the African American voter. From WokeSpy: Eligible candidates must be the first generation in their family to […]
Saturday shorts
We thought we were making bit of progress on the border…Biden only wants to admit 2500 a day before he shuts the border down (but notice his folks keep count and it has to average that for a week before kicking in) and we actually caught the only 8 baddies who have crossed the […]
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