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Matthis and collateral ignorance (UPDATED)

| May 11, 2010 | 39 Comments
Matthis and collateral ignorance (UPDATED)

So, if you were a teacher and you invite a guest lecturer to speak to your students, wouldn’t you want them to be subject matter experts? Why would a teacher have IVAW Matthis explain the “Collateral Murder” video to his/her students then? That’s what’s happening across the country today. Three people are touring the country […]

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Mark Potok violated my First Amendment Rights

| May 10, 2010 | 4 Comments
Mark Potok violated my First Amendment Rights

Well, he didn’t really (only the government can violate my rights), but if I did the same thing to him, he’d accuse me of it. Potok has commented on posts about him here over the years and I’ve let him have his say – usually because he heightens the hilarity with his Godless hyperbole. So […]

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Matthis skates again

| May 5, 2010 | 18 Comments
Matthis skates again

Apparently the last Board member voted yesterday and Matthis gets to burn as many flags as he wants in the name of the IVAW. If Matthis can be believed the deciding vote was cast by octogenarian Wes Davey pictured below delivering an ultimatum to John McCain at the Republican National Convention in 2008; Of course, […]

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Matthis screwed to the wall

| May 4, 2010 | 17 Comments
Matthis screwed to the wall

Apparently the IVAW Board has reversed itself, changed last month’s vote on whether or not to punish Matthis for his flag-burning escapades. Typical sociopath; “Give me something else to burn” He doesn’t learn from his mistakes – he tries to go bigger and flashier to stick it to the man – the man in this […]

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Captain Obvious speaks

| May 4, 2010 | 10 Comments
Captain Obvious speaks

Eric Holder as quoted by the Washington Post this morning; “It was clear that the intent behind this terrorist act was to kill Americans.” The man has a keen grasp of things that bite his face. Holder’s boss, General Observations, thanks the terrorists for building shitty firing circuits; “Justice will be done, and we will […]

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FBI: Shots fired at NG in Kent State 1970 incident

| May 4, 2010 | 32 Comments
FBI: Shots fired at NG in Kent State 1970 incident

The Washington Times reports that newly released documents in the May 1970 Kent State shooting of several students by National Guard troops state the the troops may have been provoked by a sniper; “We did it,” one man exulted, according to the inquiry. “We got the riot started.” The second man expressed disappointment at being […]

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Gordon Duff the military expert

| May 3, 2010 | 41 Comments
Gordon Duff the military expert

We’ve spent a little bit of time highlighting the writings of Gordon Duff, the senior editor of Veterans Today, the special place on the internet for crackpots and crazies to exchange their irrational conspiracy theories. For example, a month ago, I wrote about Duff’s theory that all of the Vietnam POWs were given amnesty for […]

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Dave Airhart; Oldie but goodie phony

| May 2, 2010 | 4 Comments
Dave Airhart; Oldie but goodie phony

This guy has been on the loose for at least five years, but the NPRC finally answered a POW Net FOIA request over three years old on Dave Airhart. His main claim to fame while a student at Kent State was quoted in this reprint of a Stan Goff (CounterPunch) article; I spent 4 months […]

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