Bronze Star
Valor Friday

Today’s subject is once again brought to us by a sort of request from KoB. He forwarded to us the bad, unfortunate news that journalist Joe Galloway died Wednesday morning after having been in hospital near his home in Concord, North Carolina. Joe Galloway is a name many of you will remember. If not for […]
“Buck” Thrailkill – Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Desert Storm

The folks at Military Phony send us their work on David Walkup Thrailkill, or better known as “Buck” as he likes to be called. Buck comes to us from Fayetteville, North Carolina and is 57 years old at the time of this writing – December 2020. We actually had military records on ol’ Buck for […]
Daniel Greenwell – Phony SEAL and Fake PH & BSM

The folks at Military Phony sent us their work on Daniel Austin Greenwell. Greenwell is from New Harmony, Indiana and is 32 year old at the time of this writing – Sept 2020. As you can see from the first photo of him, he wears a Navy SEAL Trident on his Navy uniform. On Greenwell’s […]
The NFL… And AWAAAY We Go!

We posted recently about the NFL wading into the political controversy surrounding people killed by police. My premise was that it was a slippery slope. You are handing control over someone’s stance, or perceived lack thereof, to outside forces and it can only go badly. One case was with Pittsburgh offensive tackle Al Villanueva, who […]
Craig “Doc” Glynn – Military Records

The folks at Military Phony sent us their work on James Craig “Doc” Glynn who we wrote about here. Glynn lives in Titusville, Florida and is 68 years old at the time of this writing – March 2020. Here Glynn claims he was in Afghanistan just as Prince Harry was. Here he claims MSG along […]
Paul Kilbourn – Phony SEAL and “The Devil of Afghanistan”

The folks at MilitaryPhony sent us their work on Howard “Paul” Kilbourn. Kilbourn lives in Windsor, Colorado and is 37 years old at the time of this writing – March 2020. He seems to prefer to go by just “Paul” when he isn’t being called “The Reaper” or “The Devil of Afghanistan.” On Kilbourn’s Facebook […]
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