RSSLiberals suck

Gun rift

| January 31, 2019 | 47 Comments
Gun rift

  In recent days there have been developments on both sides of the gun rights debate.  It seems many of the local Sherriff’s Departments in Washington state are refusing to enforce new gun laws. A growing number of rural sheriffs in Washington state are refusing to enforce a sweeping new gun initiative that places stiff […]

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Supreme Court clears path for President Trumps Transgender Ban in the Armed Forces.

| January 22, 2019 | 39 Comments
Supreme Court clears path for President Trumps Transgender Ban in the Armed Forces.

  The usual caustic rantings of Leftist Loons is permeating the news again.   It seems those who had intentions of joining the military as a means of paying for their sex change operations might have to end their enlistments with the same gender that they joined with.  I still have not had anyone explain how […]

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Gillette spreads the myth that masculinity is toxic

| January 15, 2019 | 124 Comments
Gillette spreads the myth that masculinity is toxic

Gillette is the newest corporation to jump into the Liberal assault on men.   Being masculine means you are a bully, you have no respect for women, you have low standards, you are prone to commit sexual assault and sexual harassment,  you are a problem that needs to be dealt with. This latest attack by the METOO […]

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Gov. DeSantis Signs Executive Order Removing BSO Sheriff Scott Israel From Office – CBS Miami

| January 11, 2019 | 35 Comments
Gov. DeSantis Signs Executive Order Removing BSO Sheriff Scott Israel From Office – CBS Miami

Governor Ron DeSantis said on Friday afternoon that he has signed an executive order removing embattled Broward Sheriff Scott Israel from office. Governor Ron DeSantis was at the Broward Sheriff’s Office headquarters where he delivered “a short statement saying he has suspended the Sheriff.” DeSantis was joined by parents of victims of the Marjory Stoneman […]

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Marine Corps to reduce infantryman’s load by recruiting fewer wussies

| January 11, 2019 | 19 Comments
Marine Corps to reduce infantryman’s load by recruiting fewer wussies

In an attempt to reduce the weight carried by already overburdened infantryman, the Marine Corps announced today that it would seek to reduce troops’ combat loads by recruiting fewer wussies. “Studies by the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab and Center for Naval Analyses have shown that we can greatly decrease injury rates by reducing the number […]

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Thursdays are Cooking or something like that.

| January 10, 2019 | 49 Comments
Thursdays are Cooking or something like that.

While whats her name is trying to fix a computer I thought we should do some kind of cookin thing.  Thought about my pineapple upside down beans recipe but you people don’t know nuttin about fine food.    So I figured this is more ya’lls speed.

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Naughty, naughty!

| January 4, 2019 | 54 Comments
Naughty, naughty!

A trans “female” customer with a baritone voice threw a tantrum in a Gamestop store at an employee for enforcing the store’s policy of ‘Store credit only – No refunds’. Some enlightened soul got the video of the tantrum, including this jerkwad cursing in the presence of a juvenile, despite a female customer asking […]

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Muslim Patrol Cars now on the streets of America

| January 3, 2019 | 143 Comments
Muslim Patrol Cars now on the streets of America

The notion that Muslims think there are streets in this country that are considered “theirs” to patrol is absurd.  I thought this was click bait being posted by a few loons but as it turns out it is real news. The New York Police Department had to issue a statement saying that this Muslim Patrol […]

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