Natl Guard Chief says NG troops defending border is a waste of time

The Chief of the National Guard Bureau, General Daniel Hokanson, testified to Congress that the NG troops deployed to protect the southern border isn’t a militarily relevant mission. The quote is that it has “no military training value”, which seems pretty dense to me. He’d rather instead of deploying to defend the nation, they instead […]
Saturday shorts

We thought we were making bit of progress on the border…Biden only wants to admit 2500 a day before he shuts the border down (but notice his folks keep count and it has to average that for a week before kicking in) and we actually caught the only 8 baddies who have crossed the […]
Hacked data exposes more Fast and Furious related information

Remember Fast and Furious? Data in possession of the Mexican military was hacked, revealing both American gun shops and gun smugglers related to firearms recovered in Mexico. The hacked data included information regarding Fast and Furious. Agents stood down in Arizona to allow illegal gun purchases. They wanted to use this program to get better […]
Familiar faces Saturday

Seems the House has passed an immigration bill I for one can support. A bill aimed at booting illegal immigrants out of the U.S. if they assault a police officer passed the House of Representatives on Wednesday evening. It’s one of several pieces of legislation that House Republican leaders are putting up for a […]
Saturday Security

First up: Mexican President Maduro Obrador has made some unusual demands on us lately. I’m sure you are aware he is suing gun companies (claiming that PLCAA does not cover foreign governments so they can sue us for their gun violence – despite there only being ONE government controlled gun store in the whole country.) […]
Drone incursions from Mexico into the US reached alarming levels

Cartel groups in Mexico are no strangers to the use of drones, including weaponized drones. Ukraine has shown how a weaker nation, or groups within a weaker nation, could wreak havoc on a more powerful military. Two military generals testified at a Senate hearing related to the border. One of the issues reported to the […]
Senate approves bill that provides military aid to foreign countries, but falls short on US border security

The U.S. Senate approved a foreign aid bill that would provide military aid to Israel, Ukraine, and to Taiwan. Contrary to House Republican hopes, the status quo regarding the border remains. Without positive movement towards securing the border, the Senate bill does not appear to have a chance in the House. Joe Biden warned House […]
Texas Border Standoff

Texas Guard standoff with feds continues, despite Supreme Court ruling Texas officers are still erecting border wire and some Republicans are calling on Gov. Greg Abbott to defy the high court. By Davis Winkie and Uriel J. García, The Texas Tribune This article was shared as part of an ongoing project between Military Times and […]
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