Saturday Security

| March 30, 2024

First up:  Mexican President Maduro Obrador has made some unusual demands on us lately. I’m sure you are aware he is suing gun companies (claiming that PLCAA does not cover foreign governments so they can sue us for their gun violence – despite there only being ONE government controlled gun store in the whole country.) Now he is essentially blackmailing us to help control the flood of illegals headed north.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said during a “60 Minutes” interview Sunday that the surge of migrants crossing into the U.S. will continue unless President Biden and his administration comply with his demands.

Oh, and he had a few other items on his list.

Obrador had called on the U.S. to send $20 billion a year to Latin American countries, lift sanctions on Venezuela, end the Cuban embargo and legalize millions of Hispanics who have worked and lived in the U.S. for at least a decade.

The U.S. has faced an ongoing migrant surge at the southern border under Biden’s watch, reaching a record 2.4 million migrant encounters in fiscal year 2023, a sharp uptick from roughly 1.7 million in 2021, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data. In December, migrant encounters hit a record 302,000 for the month.  Fox News

He wants, he wants… someone remember a phrase about putting want in one hand, sh*t in the other, and see which fills first?

I am thinking he might consider that if THEY did a better job on their Southern border,  WE would not have such a problem. Or maybe that if we DID lock down the border, Mexico would be in immediate crisis with all the in-transit illegals they already have.

Seems like the Czechs and others are seriously interested in Vista Outdoor’s (which we all called by its best known subsidiary name, Remington)  ammunition makers.

If you recall, Remington entered bankruptcy and sold off its big-name subdivisions – for instance, Marlin is now owned by Ruger (who is doing a dandy job of resurrecting Marlin’s lever actions.)  When they split the company,  the subsidiary that makes ammunition (Kinetic) went to the Czechoslovak Group (CSG) based in Prague. This is not to be confused with Ceska Zbrojovka’s Colt ownership, Colt CZ, despite the similarity in names.  Seems Colt-CZ made an offer to buy Kinetic recently at $30/share, which was declined. Now we have a Texas based buyer, MNC Capital, raising the ante by raising their bid from $35 to bidding about $37.50 a share, who wants to take the ammo group private again. Noting that this is an existing Army contractor (Camelbaks and ammo) this is a purchase we should be watching, especially since they are one of the biggest suppliers in the world of the primers that go into all small-arms ammo larger than .22s.    MSN  Axios  Vista press release

Category: Border

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Third world sh!t holes picking over the bones of a once great country…


Hopefully you are describing some of our Southern neighbors not the Czech Republic… ’cause it is very bohemian!


Time to pack it in.


With the people currently in charge, the “want” hand will fill up faster than the “shit” hand.


Remember the last time an invading Army came from the other side of the Rio Grande? They were armed by the Mexican Government’s store. Colonels Bowie, Crockett, Fannin, and Travis were unavailable for comment.


Is the Texas based group just trying to keep a critical industry in the hands of Americans…or are they getting ready to supply a massive amount of product for the upcoming expanded war in Europe?


I don’t think we’re gonna have any more “Alamo” situations. I’m pretty sure Arizona alone is pissed off enough to push the border back a few hundred klicks. Add in Texas and you’ve got a major ass whoopin’.


Texas might be up for it. Large parts of AZ probably are, too – but the elected officials in Phoenix sure ain’t. That city seems to have surpassed Denver as LA’s biggest suburb.


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Old tanker

I think there should be a suit against Mexico for all the fentanyl that is crossing the southern border. Perhaps a class action from all the survivors and family of the deceased. Something along the line of demanding 8 times the country’s GDP seems fair to me. Then make it a repeating fine until the drugs and illegals stop crossing in perpetuity.


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Pres. Odor (that’s right he stinks) will sing a different tune when Trump returns to the White House. These criminal illegals entered the US from his country, so he can have them all back. The Mexican government can work the NGO’s that brought them from China, and Africa to take them back or they can just stay in Mexico. They don’t have to go home but they ain’t staying here…His choice is his.


Regardless of what country they came from, if they came through Mexico, they can return home through Mexico.

If they came by way of boat, they get taken out to international waters, via either navy or contractor, put on a boat that at the time of transfer doesn’t leak and tell them do not cross that line again, or your vessel will be sunk.

That’s just a couple ideas, as I’m sure some of you could come up with some better ideas or options.


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Prior Service

It’s times like this I want to be president. I’m pretty sure I could make this tin-pot MF regret his poor foreign policy AND reduce crime here at home, AND overburden Mexico in every measurable statistic (with simultaneous reductions here), AND cut the influx of US dollars sent home to Mexico in a matter of days. By executive order: you pop on any federal radar, you show up for natal care without citizenship, you apply for free stuff, you are on the next southbound train.


I’d prefer to see them on C-17s, without parachutes, about to do their first(and last) skydive over Mexico.


Say what you will about him as a leader, Pinochet had some pretty damn good ideas.

BlueCord Dad

Fuck Obrador and the white horse he rode in on…


He just wants people to keep sending home 10% of Mexico’s GDP.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

Speaking of border security…I’ll just stick this right here…



He just wanted a better life, doing jobs no American wants to do.


Hope y’all got water, ammo and canned goods; first responders may take days to get out to your area when SHTF… keep in mind what LtCol Tanner said in Red Dawn:

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

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Here’s my hope, and I’m sure it’ll never happen, but I’d like to see Trump as president again. Then, every illegal, captured or caught, put on the bus sent back to that glorious wall on the southern border and shoved through a gate in Mexico. It’s now their problem. End of story.


*into Mexico!