Familiar faces Saturday
Seems the House has passed an immigration bill I for one can support.
A bill aimed at booting illegal immigrants out of the U.S. if they assault a police officer passed the House of Representatives on Wednesday evening.
It’s one of several pieces of legislation that House Republican leaders are putting up for a vote this week as part of National Police Week.
Sounds good to me. Illegal who assaults a cop? Gone, no possibility of return, and may I suggest the special kneecap enhancement if caught here a second time.
As always, tough, there is a wee fly in the proverbial ointment.
The bill passed with a 265 to 148 vote, with 54 Democrats voting with the GOP.Fox News
You can read a list of those Democrats who side with illegal criminals against our police here. Let’s just say it is a very familiar list.
A new report from the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) shows a political activist group linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has played a crucial role in funding and organizing anti-Israel protests that have disrupted college campuses across the U.S. in recent weeks.
The report, published last week, highlights the activities of “seemingly grassroots activist movements,” like Shut It Down for Palestine (SID4P), which was formed after the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.
Operating under the SID4P umbrella are members of the “Singham Network,” a global web of nonprofits, fiscal sponsors and alternative news sources tied to Neville Roy Singham, an American-born multimillionaire tech mogul based in Shanghai who is married to Jodie Evans, co-founder of the left-wing anti-war group Code Pink.
The seven core organizations, referred to as “Convenors,” that make up SID4P are Al-Awda NY, National Students for Justice In Palestine (NSJP), Palestinian Youth Movemnet (PYM), Palestinian American Community Center NJ (PACC), the People’s Forum, ANSWER Coalition and Iternational People’s Assembly (IPA).
According to NCRI, the last three groups serve as the “conduit through which CCP-affiliated entities have effectively co-opted pro-Palestinian activism in the U.S. to advance a broader anti-American, anti-democratic, and anti-capitalist agenda.” These Convenors, according to NCRI, have close ideological and financial ties to Singham. Fox News II
Gee, and so many sources blame George Soros and the Open Society Foundation. Different billionaires, same anti-American philosophy. But it does seem the CCP is learning from the old Russian playbook…and has found fertile soil to spread their manure in.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Border, Democrats, None
Just like the patsy, simp protestors in 60s were working for the Soviets, the idiot college students of today are working for the Chinese. You would think they would get smarter with all the technology available today but they shut their brains and nope out.
“Idiocracy” was supposed to be a comedy, but it’s coming true.. govt. run schools have been indoctrinating and dumbing down kids for decades.. Probably the first time in history that the IQ of a country has been in a steady decline instead of moving upward.. this is NOT an accident
President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho would be a massive improvement over Pedo Joe
So would a doorstop.
Don’t worry, Democrats will steal his platform for November:
Meanwhile, Ukraine is losing… Russkies have replaced their horrendous men/equipment losses and are moving on Kharkov WW2-style, while Ukraine is just depleted and waiting on reloads from us:
ISW says objective may be only to fix Ukrainian forces there, not capture Kharkov, but still not good for Ukraine:
Zelinsky expects Russky move on Kharkov to get worse:
Now wants Chicoms at Ukraine peace talks because of their influence on Russia:
I’ve been saying the Russia is a power that Ukraine could not hope to defeat, even with substantial military aid. Unless we and other NATO nations get directly involved, Ukraine is simply fighting a holding action against a numerically and logistically superior enemy.
I tend to overgeneralize, so I’ll do so here as well. Russia has a massive military infrastructure, replete with expendable resources. Conscripts and stockpiles of aging munitions, equipment, and materiel, etc. Let the Western propaganda machines tout superior US, German, and other equipment facing off against obsolete Cold War-era Soviet tanks and weapons systems. If a few tens of thousands of minimally trained conscripts get killed, and hundreds of T-series tanks that were designed to face off against M60s in the Fulda Gap are destroyed, so be it. Something tells me that Russia hasn’t relegated its armed forces to rely solely on those. In a war of attrition, why not expend the expendable against an enemy who lacks those expendables? Then, as the enemy’s forces are depleted, bring forward the professional soldiers and more modern and capable equipment.
Why the Russkies never threw away any military equipment.
Polish student at one of my Army schools said that’s how Warsaw Pact would actually fight– put all the serviceable ash and trash up front, so we have to fight through it and take losses, then hit us hard with the latest sh*t we were upset about in Soviet Military Power in strength.
Think of all the maint cost they’re now saving..
I find it utterly crazy that Russia is still recovering from the massive depopulation events of the 20th Century.
I guess killing millions of your own citizens is a bad thing…..who’d a thunk
The Russians like to threaten tactical nuclear weapons use. And the Chinese too. So, I had heard that the Chinese missileers were using the fuel from the nukes to heat their homes and heat their food. And judging Russia’s military equipment in Ukraine it makes me wonder how effect both countries nuclear arsenals are. I’m not advocating there use of nukes. Just how effective there delivery is. But it does seem they do propaganda well, and are great at exporting the communist message… Peace, love and gov will take care of you crap around the world. Freedom Suicide through education.
Well, if the bad guys can get us to jack ourselves up with progressive BS, they’re don’t have to be the sharpest on the block just tougher.

Do our enemies do this?
Explain to me again why we care? I feel for the Ukrainian people, but their government is completely corrupt and our politicians have been using it as a money making scheme for years. Russia has not designs on the rest of europe. They want to make money off of them by selling them natural gas and oil. This whole conflict is garbage. They could have probably come to a peace deal if Biden hadn’t gotten involved.
Sure, corrup. Russia farvmore corrupt. And we owe them bigtime for over 80 years of dick moves against us.
It is to the advantage of the USA that Russia wrecks itself.
The only way Russia wins is if we convince the Ukies to quit. Because 2+ years into this fiasco, the “giant bear” still can’t defeat a force a fraction of their size.
If Russia keeps “winning” like this, China gets Siberia in a walkover.
China’s gonna China.
Deport ALL Illegal Aliens…don’t wait for them to attack an LEO…or anyone. While you’re at it, deport all Kongress Kritters that vote against the best interests of the American Taxpayer. May as well go ahead and deport all the people that hate America too. It’ll save their handlers from having to execute them when their useful idiocy time is up.
Here’s one….
An illegal commits ANY violent or sexual crime and they are hanged from the nearest tree, lamppost and the body repatriated by a very powerful woodchipper
Why dirty up a perfectly good woodchipper, or risk a jam that would need cleaned out. Let the blackbirds and vultures pick their bones lean, and use them as a wind chime type warning.
What’s the point? Illegal aliens are already illegal and deportable.
The ones that are claiming asylum cannot be deported until their asylum hearing has been held.
Therein lies the problem.. acording to international law, they do NOT have to be allowed in until they have been granted asylum.. they are supposed to stop in the first safe country, and most of them have traveled through multiple countries to get there. bring back the remain in mexico policy, and things will get better.. especially since mexico is actively assisting these invaders..
You know if they had a bounty on illegals. Deportation could be really effective and fast. Say $20 a head, plenty around my neighborhood to make some quick cash!
No limit, cash only. Non reportable income. Win win.
Hack recalls a video of a guy who slap Customs Border Immigration sticker on the side of a 15 seat passenger van, then pull up to the Home Dopt parking lot where the day laborers hang out, and watch them scatter.
“Beaners”, eh? The guy is not only an asshole, he is a sadistic asshole. Friend of yours?
Wow. Somebody objects to my objection to the use of “beaners”? Anonymously, of course.
For Halloween one year and I sat in my driveway with a customs and border protection cap on. The illegals passed me up. My neighbors all thought it was a great idea.