RSSValor Vultures

Wilbert “Beau” Bass; phony SEAL

| February 6, 2018 | 77 Comments
Wilbert “Beau” Bass; phony SEAL

Someone sent us their work on this fellow, Wilbert Bass, who goes by the name “Beau” on Facebook, and on LinkedIn where he also claims to have been a Navy SEAL; He tells folks that he was in the Air Force, but that he’d got out before 9-11-2001. When that terrorist attack happened, “they” contacted […]

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Elliott Kline, aka Eli Mosley, Neo-Nazi, phony combat veteran

| February 5, 2018 | 70 Comments
Elliott Kline, aka Eli Mosley, Neo-Nazi, phony combat veteran

From the New York Times comes the story of Elliot Kline, also known as Eli Mosley, a key organizer of the “Unite the Right” rally last year in Charlottesville, Virginia. Emma Cott did an interview with the young racist in which she asked him about his recurring theme, the link between veterans and the Alt-Right; […]

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Shane Kunzeman; phony Army Ranger

| February 4, 2018 | 324 Comments
Shane Kunzeman; phony Army Ranger

Our partners at Military Phonies send us their work on this fellow, Shane Kunzeman, who operates a resume writing business called Your New Life. For some reason, he thought it would be a good idea that he should become an Army Ranger, but he came to that conclusion after he left the Army, you know, […]

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Brad Hynde; phony Green Beret

| February 3, 2018 | 96 Comments
Brad Hynde; phony Green Beret

Our partners at Guardians of the Green Beret share their work with us on this fellow, Bradford Hynde, who wanted to be a member of the VFW so badly, he pretended to be a combat veteran special forces soldier. Apparently he submitted two applications with DD214s that were rejected by the veterans service organization. The […]

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Travis Schwarzer; Phony Green Beret

| February 3, 2018 | 55 Comments
Travis Schwarzer; Phony Green Beret

Our partners at Guardians of the Green Beret share their work with us on this fellow Travis Schwarzer who claimed to have been a Special Forces Sergeant Major when he was ordering coffee, for some reason. He claimed that he was still involved working with Ranger School’s Mountain Phase and at Robin Sage; But when […]

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Brian Culp; the serial valor thief

| February 2, 2018 | 43 Comments
Brian Culp; the serial valor thief

COB6 first wrote about Brian Culp back in December 2008 when he was busted for Purple Heart license plates in Texas. He claimed that he had two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star Medal from his service in Somalia. He went to jail for nine months and three years probation in Texas in 2008. In […]

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Arnold LePotvin, phony Vietnam vet turns over phony finery

| January 30, 2018 | 31 Comments
Arnold LePotvin, phony Vietnam vet turns over phony finery

We discussed Arnold LePotvin last week when we discovered that, despite his claims, he hadn’t served in Vietnam with 82d Airborne Division, or in Cypress with the United Nations Special Forces. The Observer reports that he handed over his phony finery to veterans in Sarnia; Sarnia veterans Bill Majovsky and Les Jones said Arnold LePotvin […]

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Frank Fischer; phony Ranger

| January 26, 2018 | 208 Comments
Frank Fischer; phony Ranger

Someone sent us their work on this fellow, Frank Fischer in Martinsburg, West Virginia who did an interview with the local Journal-News during which he claims to be an Army Ranger and a sniper and a paratrooper and Air Assault trained; Fischer’s first deployment as sniper was in Waltersdorf Chaussee, Germany, along the Berlin Wall […]

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