Elliott Kline, aka Eli Mosley, Neo-Nazi, phony combat veteran

From the New York Times comes the story of Elliot Kline, also known as Eli Mosley, a key organizer of the “Unite the Right” rally last year in Charlottesville, Virginia. Emma Cott did an interview with the young racist in which she asked him about his recurring theme, the link between veterans and the Alt-Right;
He kept emphasizing a connection between the military and the alt-right. He said many of his compatriots were veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan who had become disillusioned with the American political system after fighting in unwinnable conflicts. In his telling, members of the alt-right were patriotic Americans who had come to their extreme worldview through honorable life experience, not hatred.
He mentioned that he too had served in Iraq. But when I asked him to elaborate, he waved off the question. “It was boring.”
Cott thought that was an odd way for him to describe his military service, so after the interview, she sent for the FOIA of his records. When it came back, she had the proof that he had never deployed outside the state of Pennsylvania with his National Guard unit. His fellow guardsmen confirmed that he hadn’t joined until the final year of the Iraq War and his unit didn’t deploy for the entire six years of his service. So Emma called him back for an explanation;
So I picked up the phone and called him. After informing him that I was recording the call, I launched right in.
“The Army tells me that you did not deploy.”
He paused. “The Army tells you?”
I explained that I had gotten his official records from the Army and the National Guard.
“So did you go to Iraq?” I asked.
“I was in Kuwait,” he said. “I told you that before.”
“You told me you went to Kuwait and then you went to Iraq.”
“Basically, it’s very similar the way it works,” he said.
We talked for a while longer and his story kept changing, but he did not back down. He wavered between blaming a military clerical error and saying that a military form he would send me would clear up the confusion once and for all.
He still hasn’t sent me the form, or any other proof that he deployed. He also doesn’t have any photos. (He had already told me that he lost them all when his Facebook account was shut down.)
This is not my surprised face. He’s no different than the Boys from Malheur. Or those ass-monkeys of the Iraq Veterans Against the War. They think that a phony military biography gives them a measure of credence they wouldn’t have otherwise, so they steal valor to make themselves believable.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
See one seen ’em all
Fuck off dick eater…
Amish country is like Iraq. Aint so Chakey???
Let’s see, Pennsylvania has hills, mountains and some fine farm country as well as coal mines and oil. Kuwait has rocks, sand, oil and wait, that’s it. Pennsylvania has many scenic places while most of the Kuwaiti countryside looks like a landfill.
Well, they built a fake village out of some old containers at Fort Whatchamacallit – with the hired help it was just like Iraq…
Minneapolis, Mogadishu, what’s the difference.
SA = 99.9% sand.
Near the coast there were these odd circles of green agriculture. Like they dumped soil on sand then thru some seeds on it.
Iraq = at least 50% clay, rock, dirt, sand, marsh. I didn’t make it North of the Tigris.
Kuwait = rock, dirt, clay, sand and landfill.
At least Iraq had more than one type of rock to throw.
Yeah. Philly is just like Takrit.
Wait. The Eagles won the game. That may actually be a fair comparison for a day or two.
But otherwise, nah.
Jeezus, imagine if the Eagles had LOST!
Nah. Philly is used to losing. The celebration was extra-exuberant because the win was unusual, and in many cases unexpected.
Now, if they lost on a really bad call, then Katie bar the door…
WC Fields stopped by Philly one night and said it was closed.
For years there was an urban legend that Fields’ tombstone said “All this considered, I’d rather be in Philadelphia”. An amazing man and great juggler, he is who invented cigar-box juggling – you can see his clips on Youtube and they are brilliant.
Damn Atkron! That was funny. 🙂
Gotta be honest; I have NEVER been to Iraq or Kuwait or Afghanistan, but I have spent LOTS of quality time at the Yakima Training Center…(seems to me they used to call it the Yakima Firing Center, back in the late 70’s/early 80’s but I have fewer braincells now…)
Ummm Id have to modify it to say Yakima…Kuwait…Iraq. Seen one, seen ’em all!
I agree with you about this neo-whatever guy though!!! What a goon.
I was in South Philly when the Phillies lost to the Giants in playoffs.
I spent my time in the Gulf time roasting alive in a big metal ship (oven) working on the roof and in the Hangar Bay….trying to bat moisture seeking flies from my eyes and mouth.
Never visited either country listed, just pier-side in Abu Dhabi, for pier liberty, and Bahrain for liberty at the Naval Base there) but I have been through PA.
Just mocking the dick eater’s ‘war stories’.
Totally with you there!! Just didn’t want folks thinking I was someplace I hadn’t been. 🙂
Sounds like you had a whole lot of fun over there!
Sounds like my tour. But most of my time was on the deck being roasted by the sun and by jet blast.
That particular cruise, I was in the Airframes Shop, so not much time was spent on deck. My previous two cruises were on deck.
Shitbags gotta shitbag.
Atomic Cocksucker.
Just another lying shit weasel! How does little pussy boi think he was ever a soldier? Go back to your little playland there pussyboy, let the big boys take care of things!
Well, one NYT reporter learned that racist assholes just might have one or two other character defects, such as lying. I suppose that’s a good thing.
Why would someone try to look like
Zach Galifianakis?
Elliot Kline, aka “Eli Mosley” is a liar.
Elliot Kline, aka “Eli Mosley” is a childish buffoon.
Elliot Kline, aka “Eli Mosley” is not an Iraq veteran.
Elliot Kline, aka “Eli Mosley” never did anything worthwhile.
Elliot Kline, aka “Eli Mosley” is living in a fantasy world.
Elliot Kline, aka “Eli Mosley” is an egotistical narcissist.
Elliot Kline, aka “Eli Mosley” is by virtue of being a racist, plainly as ignorant as using a 99-cent app to navigate a plane.
Nice. You worked DAB into this. Nicely played indeed.
If he was in Kuwait, it was only to hit the Burger King at Camp Buehring.
Yeah, Kuwait and Iraq wasn’t at all a similar experience in my opinion.
Now leave Zach Galifianakis alone.
He likely couldn’t even do that without setting an alarm off!
Full time piece of shit.
The only thing similar between Pennsylvania and Iraq is the occasional animal drawn carriage.
Cue up Weird Al’s “Amish Paradise”.
I don’t think the Amish do to their draft animals what Iraqi men do…
…or to any other animals what Iraqi men do.
I have no doubt that if Kline was anti-fa, we’d be getting our own FOIA.
Ga-zing. You got that right.
Hadn’t thought of that but you are so right, Jonn.
Must be part of the Nazi thing, this asswipe running in Illinois appears to be wearing a CIB on his uniform?
I hate Illinois Nazis.
I was reading that and wondering why those nuts run on the Republican ticket. Then I realized, for them it’s all about attention. If they tried for a Democratic nomination they’d be warmly (and quietly) embraced.
On another note, how does a guy like that not get targeted by vigilantes? Feel like he’s a prime candidate for a firebombing.
Saw a clearer image of him in “uniform.”
He has 0-6 Eagles on his lapels, his rack includes a CIB, ARCOM, Air Medal (placed out of precedence) and the big three for a Nam Vet (NDSM, VSM w/two campaign stars, and the VCM).
We submitted for a FOIA on him yesterday. Initial research verifies that he was an 11C in Vietnam.
Kinda figured he is legit on the ribbon rack, well, maybe except for the Air Medal.
Mortar Maggots are good to go in my book.
Maybe he is a Field Marshall Colonel in the Neo-Nazi organization and wears his service medals.
Or the Neo-Nazi Party chose off the rack military ribbons and re-designated them as various “Alt-Right” achievement medals.
The NDSM is given out to any member that takes part in a beat-down of homosexuals.
Purple hearts awarded for getting the beat down by blacks, Latinos, Jews but not homosexuals or trannies because that is very embarrassing for them to admit.
Although one member was awarded the Purple Heart with “V” device for taking on SCPO Navy SEAL/Warrior Princess Christopher/Kristen Beck. Beck was said to have caused massive intracranial hemorrhaging when hitting the Nazi with a purse full of bricks.
Fire for effect
It pisses me off these Neo scumbag Nazis or whatever have to affiliate with the conservative side of the aisle. I would much prefer they profess their affiliation with the liberal left, if for no other reason than to shut up the liberal scum media. Many/most low information voters will assume that Republicans must also be racist. Not even remotely true.
NAZI is a German acronym for the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. Right wing? I don’t think so.
He does have some nice facial hair and the beginning of a thousand yard stare. But no vest, patches, pony tail, PTSD service animal, Harley, obvious tats, etc.
He appears to have the 1 yard stare.
A 1 yard is consistent with the average distance a person can see while looking at the ground bent over in the receiving line in prison.
I’m getting a little tired of the Washington Post and New York Times trying to start a race war because they are desperate to sell papers. I’d also argue that Elliot Kline was not a key player at Charlottesville. Either he was bullshitting Emma Cott, or she wanted him to be more important for the sake of the story.
What always seems to elude writers like Cott is that people like Kline can be liars and dickheads, but still have a point. At the fundamental root of the conflict in Charlottesville was the fact that vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy, he be black, bullied a couple of weaker members of the city council into voting to have the Lee statue removed. This despite whether a majority of Charlottesville citizens wanted it removed or not.
By ignoring Kline’s legitimate beef over the statue removal, because Kline is apparently a phony combat veteran, Cott is guilty of an ad hominem logical fallacy.
The closing comment about Malheur raises a similar news media issue. That of the MSM deciding what’s important and what’s not. It so happens that one of the key issues in the stand-off at Malheur was not only handling of the Hammond case in Oregon, but also the ongoing case against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. Early last month, a federal judge threw out the case against the Bundys, and cited “flagrant misconduct” on the part of prosecutors. Did the MSM give the decision coverage proportional to that of Malheur? Of course not.
It apparently being more viral for the MSM to point out Jon Ritzheimer and his bag of Gummi Dicks…
I hadn’t seen anything about the Bundy case. Thanks for mentioning it. Strange that the prosecutors would so thoroughly grenade their own case on such a high profile case that’ll have long reaching effects.
Not that I agree with their methods, but I think the Bundys are right in their fight against federal land control. That Obama can unilaterally declare the entire area a national monument pretty much proves they have a legit argument.
Elliott Kline does not know me.
Hi, Jack! Been missing you around here lately. Wha’cha been up to? No good, I hope.
Welcome back, Jack!
Ass hamster 1st class.
Judging from his haircut, the only combat he ever saw was in the barbers chair…
Well I served both Iraq/Kuwait and most other Persian Gul Countries-This is a total pos and the left calling folks NAZIS
I bet this fuckface was never in Kuwait either…
Yes, you ate correct.
He is a fuck face.
What is it with these nazi’s in America anyway? Who would want to associate with nazi morons? Why would this dumbass take a nom de guere of some dipshit limey nazi? So many questions, so little time.
Yeah, it’s just a clerical error.
I’ve spent years trying to them to recognize that I self identify as a general officer.
Nope, no dice.
His ‘Mosley’ alias must be a not-so-subtle nod to Oswald Mosley. Founder of the pre-WW2 British Union of Fascists.
It is a nod to the limey nazi. He probably thinks it’s funny and that it “triggers” people. He’s just a douche canoe though.
Interesting, has the symbol been seen in today’s multi cultural uprisings?
It looks eerily familiar.
Isn’t that the flag/symbol I saw posted to the side of Scarlet Overkill’s rocket ship in Minions?/smile
So that’s where he got the idea.
“He said many of his compatriots were veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan who had become disillusioned with the American political system after fighting in unwinnable conflicts”
If the shmegma sucker would have stuck with just this statement, instead of embellishing his own bullshit, then he might have been looked at as just a POS.
As opposed to becoming a POSer.
May Elliott Kline’s next Doctor’s appointment be a lengthy session with a huge-fingered sadistic Proctologist with piss-poor depth perception.
So mote it be.
Broad Street in Philly about 1978 might qualify as combat! LMFAO