RSSJohn McCain/Sarah Palin

John McCain’s acceptance speech

| September 5, 2008 | 0 Comments
John McCain’s acceptance speech

Here it is; From the Washington Times; Exactly a week after Mr. Obama wowed a stadium filled with fans in Denver, Mr. McCain used a lower-key address to try to re-establish himself in voters’ minds as the anti-Washington maverick who had earned bipartisan appreciation over the past decade. Sen. John McCain of Arizona accepts his […]

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Governor Palin’s speech at the RNC

| September 4, 2008 | 18 Comments
Governor Palin’s speech at the RNC

In case you missed it last night, here’s the whole thing. It’s 45 minutes long An emailer sends this about the woman who tried to rush the stage; Woman who rushed RNC stage last night during Palin’s speech is Code Pink founder and Obama fundraiser Jodie Evans. Person who gave her the credentials is probably […]

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| September 3, 2008 | 0 Comments

Barack Obama has already admitted that he’s less experienced than John McCain for President, that’s why he named Joe Biden his Vice President to overcome that shortfall. So when John McCain named Sarah Palin as his VP, Obama immediately decided he’d run against her instead of McCain by proclaming himself more experienced than Palin. The […]

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The Palin false outrage continues

| September 3, 2008 | 11 Comments
The Palin false outrage continues

Of course, all of the anti-Palin maniacal false outrage continues, despite Barack Obama’s call for it to cease yesterday. And of course, it’s to make Governor Palin withdraw using the model of the Harriet Meirs crucifixtion. The Wall Street Journal catalogues some of the “inside the beltway” criticism; – Eleanor Clift, the McLaughlin Group: “If […]

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Democrats and women

| September 2, 2008 | 13 Comments
Democrats and women

I guess the activities of the Democrat sound machine should wake up most women to what Democrats really think of them. Heck, the sound machine of the last six months should have told them something. They’re political pawns in the game of the rich white dudes that run the party. As soon as Sarah Palin […]

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Now, if only we can link her to Haliburton

| September 1, 2008 | 1 Comment
Now, if only we can link her to Haliburton

If you’re tired of jumping from website to website to track down your favorite and most plausible vitriol to spew at your next Sarah Palin exorcism, you have to go to Protein Wisdom where Jeff Goldstein has catalogued all of the top rumors generated by these supposed intellectuals and scholars. They can’t even coordinate their […]

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Palin’s “Troopergate” non-scandal

| August 30, 2008 | 7 Comments
Palin’s “Troopergate” non-scandal

Of course, it doesn’t take any real evidence for the Democrats to create a scandal out of nothing, but Mata Harley at Flopping Aces has put together a timeline of the events that the Democrats plan to use against our newest rising politicial star; The investigations against Wooten started more than a year before she […]

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Left flailing around

| August 29, 2008 | 25 Comments
Left flailing around

To continue along the same line as COB6’s post below, this is what passes for journalism at Associated Press; In the first few lines, AP calls Palin “inexperienced”, “risky”, “a governor for less than 20 months”, and a “darkhorse”. Obama spokespeople have been on Fox News the last hour beginning each of their memo recitations […]

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