RSSIraq Veterans Against the War

So how do you know, Jose?

| January 8, 2012 | 19 Comments
So how do you know, Jose?

Yes, the IVAW is trying to get back in the news. The World Socialist Website does an interview with Jose Vasquez, the executive director of the Iraq Veterans Against the War in regards to the final Marine to be tried in regards to the Haditha incident six years ago; “Obviously this was a tragic event. […]

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Flag burning divides Occupy filthy hippies

| January 1, 2012 | 7 Comments
Flag burning divides Occupy filthy hippies

Yesterday, someone sent us a link to a Fox News story about some flag burning hippies in Charlotte, N.C. the perpetrator, Alex Tyler, 19, was quick to tell the media that his act wasn’t aimed at the military; “Those were actions taken on my behalf,” Occupy Charlotte member Alex Tyler said at a camp meeting, […]

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Calling for revolution

| December 12, 2011 | 48 Comments
Calling for revolution

Here’s Carl Dix and Cornel West as they walk into a court room to answer for their crimes and as they walk in they’re promoting “revolution”. Carl Dix & Cornel West promo for film fundraiser from basics on Vimeo. So who is Carl Dix? Well, he’s a former leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party […]

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Ward Reilly’s sex change operation successful

| December 6, 2011 | 2 Comments
Ward Reilly’s sex change operation successful

One of my ninjas sent me this screen shot of Vets for Peace, Vietnam Veterans Against the War pretender and IVAW advisor Ward Reilly‘s Facebook page yesterday; I know that many of his friends will be surprised that Ward…er, Amy, was unhappy trapped in a white man’s body, but we here at TAH hope that […]

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IVAW potsmoker at Occupy DC

| December 6, 2011 | 23 Comments
IVAW potsmoker at Occupy DC

Adam sends us a link to Gateway Pundit who links to Lagniappe’s Lair which reports that the “icon” of veterans in the Occupy DC protests, Michael Patterson, seen here in his IVAW hoodie was tossed out the Army for smoking pot; From an interview Patterson did; He tried to get out of the military as […]

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IVAW faults their ignorance for their problems

| November 30, 2011 | 10 Comments
IVAW faults their ignorance for their problems

Huffington Post writes that IVAW is struggling for veterans by participating in the Occupy movement. [Dottie Guy,] The former military policewoman is just one of about 2,000 disgruntled veterans who say they’ve risked their lives and well-being only to come home to a country that profits from their sacrifices. Yeah, I’m sure there are 2000 […]

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Strandlof occupies Denver

| November 27, 2011 | 11 Comments
Strandlof occupies Denver

Yeah, the dude wearing a tent over his head is Rick Strandlof the phony gay Marine captain, former member and mental health counselor of the IVAW and paid campaigner for VoteVets-chosen candidates. The last time we heard from him, he was impersonating a Jewish lawyer. Now, not surprisingly, according to the Denver Post, he’s supporting […]

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Abdo planned initial attack at Campbell

| November 22, 2011 | 18 Comments
Abdo planned initial attack at Campbell

S.D. sends us a link to our buddy, Rusty Shackleford at The Jawa Report about Fort Hood terrorist Naser Abdo and his plot to kill his commander at Fort Campbell; You’ll notice that he laughs when asked if he planned the attacks and then goes on to detail how he planned to kidnap one of […]

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