Flag burning divides Occupy filthy hippies

| January 1, 2012

Yesterday, someone sent us a link to a Fox News story about some flag burning hippies in Charlotte, N.C. the perpetrator, Alex Tyler, 19, was quick to tell the media that his act wasn’t aimed at the military;

“Those were actions taken on my behalf,” Occupy Charlotte member Alex Tyler said at a camp meeting, according to a Charlotte Observer report. “I did it to display my utter contempt for American greed, not (the military).”

Tyler was arrested along with three of his unbathed accomplices on misdemeanor charges of having an open flame or some such shit. In the Charlotte Observer, Tyler said he did it because the hippies weren’t being radical enough;

“I’ve seen this group lose its activism and become lazy,” said Tyler, adding that the other men told him, “We’re going to give Occupy Charlotte a wake-up call.”after.html#storylink=cpy

Yeah, that’s pretty much what Matthis and Bobby Whittenburg tried to do for IVAW when they burned flags. Both found themselves ostracized. There are rumblings in Occupy Charlotte, from a link to the LA Times sent to us by Tman of the same reaction;

Some protesters have vowed to leave the camp if the flag-burners are not ousted from the group, while others have vowed to leave if they are.

Tyler addressed the gathering of the Great Unwashed after the incident;

Alex Tyler, 19, one of the men arrested in the flag burning, spoke to the group during a meeting late Friday, telling them that although he is sorry for the adverse effects his actions may have on the movement, he is not sorry for having burned the flag.

“Those were actions taken on my own behalf,” Alex Tyler said at the meeting, according to the Charlotte Observer. Tyler said he burned the flag to display contempt for American greed and not the military.

Yeah, he sounds just like Matthis. This is what I wrote after the IVAW failed to eject Matthis the first time when I told the IVAW that they all burned the flag in Lafayette Park. It might be a good life lesson for the Occupy Movement, too.

Category: I hate hippies, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Occupy

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And where did Tyler get the idea? And get the idea to tell the press that he isn’t anti-military.

Had he had 2 neurons firing in sequence, he’d’ve burned several stacks of Monopoly money instead.

2-17 AirCav

@1. I had the exact same reaction. Or why not burn a stock report, his own birthday money from grandma, or the Wall Strret Journal? Best yet, why not self-immolation? What better, more convincing way is there to say “I am sincere” than to take a kerosene shower and doing a quick dry with a Zippo?


Sounds like some 19 year old punk that doesn’t know shit about shit being force fed the occutard agenda (whatever the hell that is, I still don’t think they’ve even figured it out). Too bad he didn’t catch himself on fire. He would have done the world a favor.


Finally, someone has realized that lighting stuff on fire isn’t speech! Cudos to the Charlotte PD for arresting the arsonist and his co-conspirators.


Dunno if y’all know about this guy or not…


But he just joined Anonymous.




It’s all fun and games until you have to back up the theatrics with actual positions.


[…] Parody of Monty Python January 3rd, 2012 I picked this up over at Ace of Spades. The other day, I mentioned that Occupy Charlotte was having some discussion over the immature little punk who burned flags to make a blunt point. Well, despite my warning, the […]