So how do you know, Jose?

| January 8, 2012

Yes, the IVAW is trying to get back in the news. The World Socialist Website does an interview with Jose Vasquez, the executive director of the Iraq Veterans Against the War in regards to the final Marine to be tried in regards to the Haditha incident six years ago;

“Obviously this was a tragic event. But given the multiple deployments of a lot of the troops and what they faced in Iraq, it is not surprising that some of these folks snapped.”

Really? Jose? And how would you know, since you avoided your own deployment after ten years in the military. And, oh, the Haditha incident happened in 2005…how many times had those Marines been deployed to Iraq in the less than two years of that war?

He pointed out that “Winter Soldier” hearings held by the IVAW in 2008 had heard testimony of US troops’ involvement in similar atrocities throughout the war and rules of engagement set by the military command that made them inevitable.

Funny, TSO and I sat through the Winter Soldiers hearings and heard not one word of “similar atrocities throughout the war”. We heard stories about clowns who ALMOST shot people, or buildings being shot up, we saw pictures of living quarters which were in disarray, and backed up toilets but we didn’t hear about any atrocities. Not. One. Word.

The IVAW leader expressed little confidence in that the military justice system would hold anyone accountable for the crimes at Haditha.

Well. you know it could be that there were no crimes at Haditha, that it was all hype from the anti-Bush crowd, hype pumped up by a dead congressman for his own political purposes, and now glommed on to by asswipes who still want to make everything about Bush.

But, you know, IVAW, you might have a small measure of credibility in the discussion if you had an actual Iraq War veteran speaking for you instead of someone who served in the military for more than 10 years and then chickened out at the moment he was supposed to deploy for the first time.

Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Winter Soldier II Live blogging

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Jose Vasquez is a piece of shit along with all the other losers in IVAW. And TAH has my permission to give him my email address and/or contact data if he should want to personally follow up with me.

Even the BS artist John Fn Kerry wouldn’t be seen at the Winter Soldier II hearing. The Haditha incident was a set up job by those who were aiding and abetting our enemy. Wish I could dig up John Murtha and hang him. And the Time reporter, Tim McGirk should be brought up on treason charges. Fuck all of ’em.


For the anti-Americans wanting their own personal My Lai to hold up in order to excuse own evil, there’s still the former Kill Squad-now-inmates.

As for one comment:”…how many times had those Marines been deployed to Iraq in the less than two years of that war?” The Marine Rifle Company assigned to Jbad in 2004 were on their 3d deployment: Astan 2002, Iraq 2003, and back in the stan in 2004. Depending on a number of factors, technically the SSgt Wuterich and his marines could have been on their 4th tour. This doesn’t take away from the thrust of the commentary of course.

CI Roller Dude

I’m amazed at how many Iraq war experts there are…who’ve never been there. It’s one thing to read about it and watch TV.
I actually enjoyed my deployments…what does that make me?


I remember watching the video of Jon Turner’s testimony at Winter Soldier (I’m pretty sure it was there) about how he once shot an unarmed man for what he made sound like no reason at all, and then shot him again to put him out of his misery. And wondering why no one in IVAW sought to have him punished for this apparent cold-blooded killing. I guess war criminals get a pass if they further your agenda.

Video here:

2-17 AirCav

Well, if there’s good news here it’s that jerkwad’s interview was with the World Socialist Website. I’m not clickin’ the link. It will only help their traffic numbers rise from 11 to 12.

B Woodman

Jose, can you seeeeeeeee. . . . .
Obviously not.

Army Sergeant

Winter Soldier had a lot to say-which you’d have seen if you stayed the whole time instead of taking off. Weren’t you just there for one day/morning? I seem to recall you guys mumbling about too many hugs and taking off. In fairness, though, that might just have been TSO. My memory is fuzzy after 4 years.

Old Trooper

I agree with Scott; if these fine young peeps at WSII were telling the truth about the alleged atrocities they committed, then they should have been brought up on War Crimes charges, but since they weren’t, and never worried about being prosecuted, then I would have to think they were lying to begin with. I think that’s why no one there turned them in. But that’s just me.

Yat Yas 1833

To me the most telling thing about that video was the anchor complaining that no “major” network or newspaper sent a reporter! Maybe they knew what a crock that whole fiasco was.


Oh, that is priceless, #7! You actually are complaining that someone here didn’t stay for enough of your silliness at WSII, yet we are supposed to be impressed by the fairy tales of the idiots “testifying” (read that as testimony of the religious fervor type, not under oath variety) who were no more actual observers of what they lied about than any of us could have been to incidents which were no more than wet dreams from wannabes?

Dang, you are hilarious!


Looks like nothing more than IVAW trying to remain relevant even though OIF is over. Seems like everyone stepping up as a representative for this “organization” turns out to be either a total dirtbag (Strandlof, anyone?) or telling a story that is grossly embellished. No matter, shows over boys, time to take your ball and go home.


Hey AS, since you were (are?) in the inner circle of IVAW, maybe you can explain the group’s justification for letting Jon Turner off without further scrutiny even though he confessed to murder?


Great… More uneducated pontificators who are going to malign the military justice system in order to further their completely biased and feckless agenda.

Cedo Alteram

More shit from a bunch of asses pretending they are still relevent. They were only in their hay-day because they could be used by left wing political operatives.

I read somewhere earlier this week that this squad leader was on his first deployment.


Well I guess that settles that for A/S now, huh?


Yeah AS, you know Jonn is telling the truth on this one, and not even a tainted truth. I still appreciate you getting me in for Day 1, but there was no way I could put up with any more of it with your people monitoring my every move, Stolen Valor Millard lying about shit I had signed or hadn’t, etc.


The best moment was some sob story where the dude broke down, and the crowd starting gasping and crying, and Jonn and I were in the back trying to control our laughter. It was all crap. I think that was the Hurd one, where he almost shot someone. Almost.


Or it may have been that dillweed claiming he wacked two old ladies with a Mark 19, and picking through their remains later he realized that they were bringing the Joes fresh fruit or somesuch nonsense. Still waiting on the actual name of the commander on that one. But, since I have asked 40,000 times, and I’ve never gotten an answer, I won’t bother waiting.