Iraq Veterans Against the War
IVAW news
I had a voice mail message this morning which reported that, to their credit, Carl Webb of the IVAW’s terrorist wing has finally been booted out of IVAW. I haven’t got any confirmation, yet, but I noticed his profile is gone. In yesterday’s IVAW post, I reprinted Brandon Neely’s letter to IVAW asking them to […]
Two more IVAW resignations
I just got notification of three more IVAW members leaving. Here are two letters explaining their resignations to their fellows. First is Brandon Neely; I am former member of Iraq Veterans Against The War (IVAW). I resigned from IVAW a couple months ago when I noticed the organization as a whole going downwards. I feel […]
IVAW’s internal dissent
I’m not sure what SSG Thompson is trying to say in his profile at IVAW, maybe you folks can decipher it for me;
Far Left gears up for Afganistan surge
With the President finally gets off his narrow ass to properly staff and equip the war in Afghanistan, the Left sees an opportunity to raise their profile. IVAW in Seattle went out to a busy holiday shopping area and replayed their “First Casualty” theater for the crowds (thanks to Nucsnipe for the link) Yeah, that’s […]
Webb and Wasfi “our message of justice”
Poor Carl Webb is complaining about being persecuted by the IVAW board because they won’t let him spread his “message of justice” – that message being that insurgents should be encouraged to kill American troops. Of course, Iraqi Dahlia Wasfi, you know, one of those Iraqis who live in the safety of the US but […]
Where’s Carl Webb today?
Carl Webb continues to make news among our friends in the IVAW refugee camps across the country. Take for example this picture of Webb (on your right) horning in on a picture with members of Movement for a Democratic Society (a concept with which Webb is unfamiliar since he’s a self-avowed Marxist/Leninist/Trotskyite). That’s Eldridge Cleaver’s […]
Suspicious package and note found at Ft Benning
There’s a link on Drudge to a short article on Breitbart about a suspicious note and a package that were discovered at Fort Benning yesterday. Bob Purtiman says a soldier found the note and package Thursday morning in an outdoor gazebo. The soldier immediately told a supervisor, who called 911. Purtiman would not say what […]
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