Iraq Veterans Against the War
WCW at Warped Tour
This very mature group of veterans manned a booth at the Warped Tour punk rock concert in Mountain View, CA this weekend for World Can’t Wait‘s We Are Not Your Soldiers. Oh, wait, there’s only one veteran in the group – Robin Long who absconded to Canada before his unit deployed to Iraq. And he’s […]
Swanson still whining about the Left
Last year, I caught mighty communist David Swanson whining about MoveOn and TrueMajority, Leftist organizations which had previously opposed the Republican war, now they were silent while Democrats occupied both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. Well today, on War Is A Crime he expands his list of organizations who previously opposed the war but no longer; […]
Vets Today & IVAW
You guys all remember super-douche Gordon Duff and his merry band of peckerheads at Veterans Today, right? Well, I always figured that they would love the commies and socialists at IVAW and wondered why Vets Today generally avoided a relationship – after all, Gordon Duff wasn’t afraid to marry his publication to Mossad plots against […]
IVAW links to the ISO
Someone sent me a set of photos of Victor Agosto, the fellow who went to jail in Texas for refusing to deploy with his unit from Fort Hood to Afghanistan last year. During his one visit here to TAH, he sounded fairly rational. What a difference a year in IVAW makes; I don’t even know […]
Matthis’ big weekend
Mattis went to Detroit for the US Social Forum and hooked up with flag-burning buddy Elaine Brower this weekend. Their big adventure was to post a banner in an abandoned building with some of the chumps from Geezers For Sitting On Our Hands; Yeah, he’s afraid of the police, that’s why he stopped to take […]
Matthis chases off another IVAW member
So I got the whiff of another IVAW member leaving (actually, I’ve heard from a couple of folks who are leaving or getting run off) because of the antics of Matthis Chiroux. Someone mailed me this letter of resignation; I sit down at this desk and begin to write the hardest letter I have every […]
IVAW: Manning is heroic
I’m sure you remember Bradley Manning, the Army specialist who released classified material to Wikileaks which included the video known by the biased title “Collateral Murder”. Well, IVAW, that band of veterans who pepper their ranks with a few combat veterans to give themselves some measure of credibility, has decided that Manning is a hero […]
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