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Army Vet Arthur Frommer dies at 95

| November 20, 2024 | 3 Comments
Army Vet Arthur Frommer dies at 95

Many of you youngsters are too young to remember arguably the most popular travel guides of the post-WWII period, Arthur Frommer’s “Europe on $5 a Day”. “This is a book,” he wrote, “for American tourists who a) own no oil wells in Texas, b) are unrelated to the Aga Khan, c) have never struck it […]

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Viktor Belenko dead at 76

| December 2, 2023 | 18 Comments
Viktor Belenko dead at 76

You young’uns should know about this guy. Back in the ’70s, the baddest of the bad was the MiG-25 Soviet interceptor called the Foxbat. (Russian fighters all get a F-word codename by protocol.) The Foxbat was scary – at Mach 2.8 it could catch anything we flew with the exception of an SR-71.  Speculation was […]

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A military staple is coming to an end

| July 21, 2022 | 10 Comments
A military staple is coming to an end

  Back in the ancient days, when dinosaurs stalked the Earth, daily orders were posted on stone tablets, and the Russians acted like they wanted to conquer Europe (waitaholdit…) probably one of the most common sights around any military installation was the hordes of junior enlisted folks toting SLRs. No, not the legendary Self-Loading Rifle […]

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Putin Vows to “Cleanse” Russia of Dissadents

| March 18, 2022 | 32 Comments
Putin Vows to “Cleanse” Russia of Dissadents

Russia dictator Vladimir Putin stated he would cleanse Russia of the “scum and traitors” he accuses of working for the U.S. and its allies, as his government steps up pressure on domestic critics of his war in Ukraine. Facing economic sanctions due to the invasion, the Russian leader accused the West of wanting to destroy […]

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It’s Deja Vu All Over Again

| January 26, 2022 | 15 Comments
It’s Deja Vu All Over Again

It looks as though Vlad Putin is getting something like ants in his pants about Ukraine and Belarus and is considering sending in Russian troops to “help out”. The US seems to be responding – in a vague way – but here are the key points in the attached article: Key Points: – The […]

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Is Vlad Nostalgic For The Cold War?

| January 17, 2022 | 14 Comments
Is Vlad Nostalgic For The Cold War?

Russia engages in joint military exercises with Belarus? Wait: are we regressing here? From the article:  MOSCOW, Jan 17 (Reuters) – Russian military forces and hardware began arriving in ex-Soviet Belarus for joint drills starting in February, Minsk said on Monday, amid soaring tensions between East and West over Ukraine. The “Allied Resolve” exercises […]

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There Is Unrest In Kazakhstan

| January 6, 2022 | 16 Comments
There Is Unrest In Kazakhstan

There is dissent and disruption in the nation of Kazakhstans. Now, where is that, you say? It’s in Central Asia, and is big enough to take notice of it. It is also rich in oil and petroleum-related resources. And as indicated in the paragraphs below, from the article, Russia (Vlad) is not happy that the […]

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The SR-71 crew that gave the finger to the French Air Force

| September 8, 2021 | 24 Comments
The SR-71 crew that gave the finger to the French Air Force

The SR-71 Blackbird has always been one of my favorite American aircraft. They are just amazing pieces of post-war engineering. Still the fastest air-breathing aircraft ever made, the stories that come from the crews of these magnificent birds always entertains. It’s rare that a new story comes out, but I saw this and hadn’t heard […]

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