“Never underestimate the power . . .

. . . of human stupidity.” For last week’s eclipse, proper eye protection was a must. Well, it was a must if you wanted to see normally afterwards. Staring directly at the sun without eye protection for just a few seconds can cause retinal damage, even during a partial solar eclipse. Still: despite the public […]
Proof Positive that Some People Really DO Have More Dollars than Working Brain Cells
Here’s a nice paperclip – well, actually a money clip that’s styled to look like a paper clip. It was originally sold for $185 at Barney’s in NYC. But they apparently have it on sale now – current price is “only” $150! No word on whether shipping and handling is extra. If you think I’m […]
More SJW Stupidity

Just when you think the perpetually outraged special snowflake SJW crowd can’t get any more moronic, you see something like this. Critics Attack Mother’s Day as ‘Offensive’ Because It’s A ‘Gendered Holiday’ Yeah, you read that correctly. GMAFB. Dunno if this means we’re in Heinlein’s “Crazy Years” or not. But it just might.
And We Thought LA Was “La La Land”

Headline says it all. Chicago inmates can now order pizza directly to their cells I’d say, “YGBSM” – but I long ago ceased to be amazed by idiotic policies adopted by “Progressive” cities and states.
And In the “WTF?!!” Department . . . .

Yeah, the linked article’s headline – repeated in the link below – is accurate. Seventh grader suspended for ‘liking’ a photo of a gun on Instagram Sheesh. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, the idiots come up with something even more idiotic and prove you wrong. Yes, I understand the school’s concern about […]
Former Congresswoman Corrine Brown Doubles Down on “Teh Stoopid”

Remember former Rep. Corrine Brown (D-FL)? You know, the “fine lady” who ran for re-election to Congress from a district in the Jacksonville, FL, area last year while under Federal indictment for fraud and other charges (20+ total counts)? You should – she’s been featured in multiple articles here at TAH. But if you need […]
Bill Nye . . . the Eugenics Guy?

Seems that Bill Nye, the anti-freedom propagandist who originally made his name popularizing science, is propagandizing on a wider range of subjects these days. And he’s catching some well-deserved heat for his most recent public position as a result. Nye’s already shown his true colors by coming out in favor of jailing “climate deniers” – […]
Gee . . . Thanks, SCoaMF

Iran recently tested a new and highly sophisticated air defense system. They obtained the system from Russia. The system is based on Russia’s S-300 missile. The NATO designation for the original system is the SA-10; since the original version was first deployed in the late 1970s, Iran doubtless received a more modern variant. The first […]
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