More SJW Stupidity
Just when you think the perpetually outraged special snowflake SJW crowd can’t get any more moronic, you see something like this.
Because It’s A ‘Gendered Holiday’
Yeah, you read that correctly. GMAFB.
Dunno if this means we’re in Heinlein’s “Crazy Years” or not. But it just might.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", WTF?, YGBSM!!
Give them their own planet!! PLEASE!!!!
Hey, stupid! To quote a kindergartener, boys have penises and girls have vaginas.
I keep saying ‘This, too, shall pass.’ I just hope it passes before I do.
Yes, this too shall pass……like a kidney stone.
This is all a lie…because this “mutha” is a “mutha”, therefore no gender problemo!
Easy fix – if you don’t want to celebrate Mothers Day, or Christmas, Thanksgiving, or any other day, then don’t celebrate. Plenty of other things to do.
How far exactly do they intend to take this? I don’t have anyone graduating from college this year, so I should demand that no one else should get all warm and fuzzy because they do? No, I just stay home, or dog sit for the neighbors who are attending an out of town graduation. As I did this weekend.
I think those who do not celebrate said holidays should be required to come in and work – productively – those days. Hey, I’m not Muslim and work through Eid, I’m not Jewish and work through Yom Kippur, right? Fair play for all, and I certainly won’t ask them to observe a day I do.
For context…
Wow! He nails it! Sharing that article.
That’s a good resource. Thanks, Claymore.
Considering that Wright wrote that in 2010, it did seem as though we might indeed have been in the Crazy Years. It is a good article, however, he missed one thing and that is that even the Crazy Years form a cycle, a start-to-finish, and this cycle of crazypants crap is coming to an end.
I was surprised that he didn’t refer to the use of advertising language psychology, which is part and parcel of the rhetoric of the SJW-Lefties. Theirs is not the Keep it Simple, Stupid meme. Theirs has become Keep it Stupid, Stupid.
Marx’s flogging the use of misdirection via redefining a phrase or a word, echoed by Hitler and Pol Pot and all the others who followed that line, failed when people starve, died, disappeared, etc., because it depended on a gullible audience. Ergo, the use of advertising psychology in the current crop of Idiot Rhetorical Responses allows the misdirection of language and vocabulary into dark corners.
Unfortunately for the SJWs and their ilk, the internet has made it possible for the rest of us to see what they are really like, to view every aspect of their socially dysfunctional personality disorders, and to find ways to fight back with a weapon more powerful than a gun: pointing and them and laughing, and answering back with reason, instead of hysterics.
Good essay, worth the time it takes to read it. Thanks for the link.
An interesting essay, no doubt. But from my understanding of 20th Century politics/history I suggest a simpler explanation of the insanity expressed in ‘the crazy years.’ Acting consistent with the belief that “ends justify means” is ‘crazy’ because the statement “EJM” is, itself, insane. Whether driven by craven fear or noble goals no one achieves sane results from insane methods. A poison tree delivers poison fruit always and forever.
It’s ok to tell them to fukk off. I’d rather piss off some twig eating SJW than than bear the collective ire of mothers nationwide. If mama’s not happy ain’t nobody happy.
What they mean is — They’re too fucking cheap to buy their own Mom a gift , or even a card .
That is, if they even acknowledge that they have a mother. Considering this SJW crowd and their fluid gender-isms, I wonder where they think (wrong word?) they came from?
Some might be their own grandpappy.
That’s a fun song.
Idiocracy here we come…
I thought we already lived through that from Jan 2009 – Jan 2017.
The unfortunate thing is, they fully put that ball in motion.
Nah, a wrestler would never run for president.
could be worse, could be an actor or a peanut farmer (just to choose unlikely occupations.)
Don’t know David, last actor we elected president ended the cold war. – Just saying..
Or even worser–how about a certain ex-wrestler/ex-governor/raving moonbat residing in Mexico?
WTF AREN’T today’s candyassed booger-munching bedwetting pisspants thumbsucking snot-spined toad snot-headed dingleberry Sparkle Ponies “offended” by these days? FUCK ’em all to death up the ass sideways with ten miles of rusty tangled barbed wire wrapped in asbestos soaked with diarrhea and nuclear waste.
You left out the: pineapple, extra large, fronds first, 1 ea.
You’re right, I did. Why not substitute a red hot 150 pound anvil instead?
This is speeding right past “full retard” and going to “fungus”…
Problem solving does not always have to be removal of objects. Adding things can also solve problems. If they do not like “Mothers Day” they can add and celebrate whatever they want on that day or another. Then they can ignore Mother’s Day and we can ignore their day. Fixed.
BTW The woman who petitioned for Mother’s Day to be recognized, regretted it from the very beginning due to over commercialization of the day and wound up in an insane asylum paid for by the Flower and Greeting Card industry.
Or, as has been said, “The good things we do will usually come back and bite us in the ass.”
I don’t actually know if that’s ever been said or not … I just made it up.
“No good deed goes unpunished”
That, too.
“The Law of Unintended Consequences”
These are Commissar’s people!
Despite our differences of opinion on most topics, I do not assign these people to Lars.
Although they ought to be assigned to an insane asylum.
SKW’s? more like the perpetually offended.
err, SJWs, heh.
As someone else has observed, no one is forced to admitting to being or even having a mother nowadays, nor is anyone forced to observe other people’s holidays.
It’s just another ploy for attention over a non-offense that is misperceived as an offense. I say we ignore it, and go on about our business.
It may explain the origin of these SJW’s.
They have neither mother nor father, but grow from spores from a slime fungus.
This is ridiculous.
Forget the nouns if you take issue with them. The verbs “mother” and “father” are genderless.
Celebrate the acts of mothering and fathering.
Problem solved.
lol…see how that works?
I would hope the little SJW’s don’t tell their Mom’s what they did… I’m guessing that their Mom’s would be waiting for them with a paddle and a long, long lecture on how they were such a “little darling” growing up… between swats!
….Mom’s would be waiting for them with a paddle and a long, long lecture on how they were such a “little darling” growing up… between swats!
fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap…aww yeah…fapfapfapfapfapfapfap
You had to go there…. LOL
I’m not suggesting this would be a reason for Filicide, but I sure as fuck would understand it….
At a minimum this would require a serious tuneup.
Can we convince the SJW’s, who tend to be a bit slow on the science side, that a massive meteor is about to hit Earth, put them in a big Ark, tell them we will follow them, and send them off first? (Apologies to Douglas Adams!)
Here’s another snowflake. She accosted a store employee after she was offended by a Confederate Flag pattern decoration.
She was told to fuck off and leave then went full retard in parking lot.