Oh, pooh! Trump Was Right!! Dammit!!!

It appears that the Justice Dept. has had its feelings bruised a bit by being hacked by Russian hackers, along with several other government establishments. Poor things. I feel for them. No, I really do….. Seriously! Per the article: WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department and the federal court system disclosed on Wednesday that they […]
Racist rock

In the far left world of finding racism in literally everything, Berkeley is usually leading the nation. Recently though, UW-Madison has told Berkeley, “Hold my beer.” Probably not beer though, they are more likely to ask them to hold their virgin apple-tini. After voting to remove the statue of Abraham Lincoln, world renowned racist white […]
Mothers of the year?

These two ladies’ stories hit the wire yesterday. I’m not sure which one is worse. Texas teacher fatally shot teenage son while driving to school: report A Texas teacher is accused of gunning down her teenage son while she was driving him to school near Waco, a report said. The teacher, 39-year-old Sarah Elizabeth Hunt, […]
Abraham Lincoln, world renowned racist white supremacist – So says UW-Madison students

How has this school failed these students so spectacularly? The history department dean should be immediately fired. They’re calling a statue of The Great Emancipator a remnant of “white supremacy.” This is all part of a classic Marxist revisionist history when they euphemistically say, “Lincoln’s legacy has changed as we start to call out history.” […]
Seattle takes the lead from Berkeley for stupid ideas

After demonizing their police, allowing a lawless wasteland to flourish for a month, and defunding their police department, the city council in Seattle is far from done. They are now considering a law that would make substance abuse, mental illness, or poverty affirmative defenses for many misdemeanor crimes in the city. The Seattle City Council […]
Starship Troopers off USMC Commandant’s reading list

I stood by while General Berger cut USMC flying squadron’s plane strength. I stood by when he got rid of all the Corps’ armor and much of its artillery. I can remain silent no longer! Task and Purpose reports the Commandant’s reading list is out. Off the list is the classic military science fiction work […]
This oughta produce some real fine, productive members of society

San Diego Unifed schools will be removing “non-academic factors” from student’s grades. Non-academic factors include class behavior, tardiness, turning in homework late. They’ll also be given repeated chances to redo failed work so they can show progress in “mastery of standards.” Why would the public school system in San Diego want to turn out graduates […]
Couple finds dozens of bottles of Prohibition-era bootleg whiskey hidden in house

KoB send in this unique story we think you might like. Only thing I ever found hidden in an old house is layers and layers of wallpaper even uglier than the faux wood panelling that we took off the wall. I’m more like Angry Cops and This Old Crack House only finding basement Jesus. Old […]
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