Nellis Air Force Base Hosts First-Ever Drag Queen Show: ‘Essential to the Morale, Readiness’

Navy, your affiliation with the gay community through the Village People might be at risk. Air Force comin’ in hot out in Vegas. Brietbart is fresh out with an exclusive report that Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada hosted a drag queen show and characterized it as part of an inclusiveness that’s “essential to the […]
COVID turns people into Nazis

Or rather the fear of COVID certainly has. Especially in Exeter, New Hampshire. This is like watching a version of the Stanford Prison Experiment or the Third Wave Experiment playing out in the real world. Taking a totally unsubtle cue from the national socialist regime’s holocaust, last week the high school in Exeter put serial […]
Hunter Biden’s got a fresh hustle to make money. Totally not corrupt.

Hunter Biden’s taking a break from snorting Parmesan cheese, knocking up strippers, being a deadbeat dad, and doinking his brother’s widow to learn a new skill. As with most of his other suddenly acquired skills, coincidentally all occurring when his dad has political power at the highest levels of the US government, this one is […]
Whistleblower tells Sen Cotton and Rep Crenshaw that a gigantic BLM flag was allowed to fly over a US naval base in Africa

Poe sends in word that the whistleblower system Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Representative Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) have set up has started to receive complaints. One of those concerns an enormous BLM flag (and numerous other BLM clothing items) being expressly permitted by a naval installation commander at a deployed base in Africa. From the […]
Stupid criminals of the week

Hundreds arrested in massive global crime sting using messaging app Sometimes the FBI gets one right. They played the epic long game on this one. That free, encrypted app designed for all your mafia needs should have gotten a wee bit more scrutiny. Don Corleone and Tony Soprano would definitely not approve. More than 800 suspected criminals […]
Army battalion commander says “if you’re a white male you’re part of the problem”

According to the Book of the Face, the US Army’s 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment got a new commander last week. They posted goodbye messages to their former commander on the 4th of June. Now, Lieutenant Colonel Andrew “Dru” Rhodes has been outed on social media as the new CO and not for good reasons. […]
The stupid is strong with this one

KoB sends in word that Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), the non-voting delegate from DC to the US House of Representatives has introduced legislation of real substance for her constituents. Is this something that’s going to address the issues of homicides in the District? They were up 19% year over year from 2019 to 2020 […]
Stupid criminals of the week

Seven arrested outside police union hall during campaign-flyer protest that included pig heads Used to be people were smart enough to break the law anywhere except directly in front of a cop… Seven people were arrested Saturday night during a protest outside the Omaha police union hall that included leaving three pig heads in costume […]
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