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Joe Biden Speaks….

| October 18, 2020 | 38 Comments
Joe Biden Speaks….

Oh, here we go: Mr. Biden doth proclaim his POV regarding how cops should act when confronted by overexcited criminals. Joe Biden wants cops to be trained to shoot people in the leg instead of center mass. Like, man, he’s such an expert that he fires the shotgun off the balcony at his house, right? Okay, […]

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Is There Real Estate Available on Mars?

| September 23, 2020 | 26 Comments
Is There Real Estate Available on Mars?

I’m beginning to wonder if people were as gobsmacking nuts during the Plague sessions in Europe as they seem to be now. Seattle is turning street control over to a non-LEO who is, in reality, a street pimp? Well, the real cops are leaving because they’re being blamed for what happened, which is what you […]

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Florida airport evacuated when a live missile is found abandoned in a cargo container

| August 19, 2020 | 19 Comments
Florida airport evacuated when a live missile is found abandoned in a cargo container

Lakeland Linder International Airport in Florida on Friday was the scene of a unique play of events. A contractor there opened an abandoned shipping container and found a live French air-to-air missile, with live warhead but not armed. The container appears to have markings that show the French-made Super 530 semi-active radar homing missile was […]

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New York Is Dead

| August 18, 2020 | 45 Comments
New York Is Dead

New York City has shut down, and for the author at the link below, who works in the entertainment industry and has lived there most of his life, it may never come back. The last photo in the article, which he posted at the end of it, says it all. I know what he’s […]

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Beware the False Message…

| August 12, 2020 | 27 Comments
Beware the False Message…

…or something like that. Out of sheer curiosity, I was looking for some entertaining stuff on the interwebs, and found these two videos. I enjoyed watching both of these videos. I hope you do, too. There are all kinds of scams running these days, as you probably already know. My particular favorite was getting a fat […]

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Christopher David – Gets his few minutes of fame

| July 21, 2020 | 316 Comments
Christopher David – Gets his few minutes of fame

This Christopher David fellow walked up to a group of Federal Riot Police and wanted to have a conversation with them while they were in the midst of clearing the streets.  They communicated with him in short order.  Of course, the Leftist Loons see him as a victim/hero of some kind.   A Navy Veteran […]

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Is This a Gotcha Moment?

| July 20, 2020 | 39 Comments
Is This a Gotcha Moment?

Poetrooper sends us the following article from American Thinker. My only response to it is “Well, du-u-uh!” From the article: A huge problem is coming soon.  Authoritarian blue-state governors and mayors thought they could conduct lockdowns without dire consequences.  But all that these fools have done is deferred disaster.  That disaster is the reduction […]

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Seattle Update: CHAZ Demolished – Squatters Gone

| July 2, 2020 | 57 Comments
Seattle Update: CHAZ Demolished – Squatters Gone

And then, after displaying much patience, the city removes the wall. Photo: RT The CHAZ is going, going…. Gone. From the article: Tuesday’s back-and-forth over barriers was the latest episode in a kind of stalemate between the city and protesters who have occupied several blocks around the park and the Police Department’s East Precinct […]

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