“The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves”
DoD tells troops to stop literally flying the flag
The DoD, who is combating claims they’re too “woke”, has come out with another great idea. Stop flying the flag and stop participating in the pre-game unfurling of those massive field-filling flags. There, that should improve morale. From Breitbart; The Department of Defense has issued a formal ruling barring military personnel from towing the American […]
Air Force selling out Army
Far be it from me to stir up an inter-service brouhaha, but in this case the headline wrote itself. Pesky damn headlines. The Air Force’s deepest, most unrequited long-desired dream – dumping the A-10s the Army depends on – is finally starting to come true. We all knew the Ar Force insisted that the F-35 […]
You thought 1984 was just a book…
Thought the books your kids read were safe? The wokeratti have discovered another way to censor. The most prominent in the news now are the collected works of Roald Dahl, the celebrated author of “James and the Giant Peach” and “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” (the basis for the Willy Wonka movies.) What were once […]
CT Mayors have rare burst of clarity
The Hartford Courant reports that Connecticut mayors gathered at the state capitol armed with some interesting facts: Their studies show that most gun crime is committed by, and on, repeat offenders. Criminals. Last week at the state Capitol, Woods joined Connecticut’s big city mayors, who… backed up the legislative pitch with a startling statistical analysis […]
Fox reports that as the rancid cherry on a shit sundae* for many soldiers discharged for refusing the now non-mandatory Covid vaccine, they are being forced to repay enlistment bonuses. One former Army soldier who was fired for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine last May told Fox News Digital that he would have to […]
In an astonishing turn of headline-dominating events, classified documents dating from President Biden’s term as Vice-Preisdent were found in office space he used to use when a figurehead publicity ploy to funnel dark money to an old pol visiting professor at Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. House Democrats were especially enraged, […]
Prisoner exchange, WNBA star returns to US, Marine veteran remains in Russia
Team Biden offered to give the Russians Viktor Bout, a Russian arms dealer, in exchange for both Britney Griner (WNBA star) and Paul Whelan (Marine veteran). When the actual deal was reached, Griner was swapped for Bout. As a refresher, Griner was accused of having cannabis in her bag, and Whelan was accused of espionage. […]
Armed Forces Qualification Test
“It’s Not Just a Job, It’s An Adventure” Most here already know this but for the benefit of the rest, the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude test, or ASVAB, is designed to determine a potential recruit’s occupational fit in the military. There is no overall ASVAB score. The Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) is scored by […]
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