Illegal Immigrants
An MSNBC host claims that US military personnel are bigger threats than illegal aliens

Lawrence O’Donnell leveraged the attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas to push the idea that Americans, specifically military personnel, are more dangerous than illegal aliens. O’Donnell dismisses, as Donald Trump’s “imagination”, the criminals illegally crossing into the United States. O’Donnell pointed to the casualties that resulted from Timothy McVeigh’s attack to help forward his […]
Getting Mexico’s attention with “military strikes” mention

Donald Trump previously stated his willingness to utilize militarily strikes against cartel assets in Mexico. Mexican officials are pondering if this is serious, or if it is a ploy to get the Mexican government to do something substantive. This action would have ramifications that may end up working against us. However, Trump voiced other methods […]
Thursday sound bites

First up…let’s talk about the Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman (Manhattan/Queens area. Am I the only one who hears the old “Old El Paso” cows bawling “Noo Yawk City” in my head?) Mr. Goldman had to interject during a hearing on the impact of illegals on law enforcement, especially Nassau County police. “Can’t say I’m going […]
Friday quickies

Well, we have seen repeatedly that crime doesn’t pay . There are penalties! Like how Jussie Smollett walks on a DA’s blunder, or the Navy guy who has to serve 19 months instead of 125 years, Alec Baldwin’s case – okay, maybe crime only goes with punishment in book titles. Remember in May, the two […]
Senator Rand Paul opposes the use of the military to help conduct mass deportations

Senator Rand Paul participated in an interview on CBS’s Face the Nation. Paul was supportive of the idea of conducting mass deportations. However, Paul believes that only law enforcement should be used. He painted a picture of the US military going through US cities, armed with weapons, as something that would not look good in […]
Illegal aliens might be held at military bases under mass deportation plan

Donald Trump and his team are still holding on to plans to conduct a mass deportation of illegal aliens during Trump’s second term. One concept involves Trump’s declaring a national emergency regarding the border. This could facilitate holding illegal aliens on military posts, and supplementing normal deportation assets with military assets. The declaration of emergency […]
Illegal immigration? They lie

Interesting article in the Telegraph about illegal immigration, and the lies we are told about it. Data released monthly by US Customs and Border Protection shows some 7.15 million people tried to enter the country illegally since Joe Biden and Ms Harris had their first full month in office. That’s a familiar number, no? We get […]
Illegal aliens not being recruited to vote? Videos indicate otherwise

A video emerged showing a man working to register people to vote in Arizona. The “prospect” admits to being DACA, his main concern was becoming a citizen. The man responds by asking if the “prospect” has a driver’s license. Together with the “prospect’s” residency, the latter would be able to register to vote. Partial video […]
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