Big Army
Ranger Women?
Needless to say, I’ve had tons of email about this article which reports that women will be attending a girls-only Ranger class. They’ve been allowed to be observer/controllers for a cycle and now they’re getting their own class of about 60 ladies. More power to them. It’s going to be the worst nine weeks of […]
Army Recruiter students sent home from school for tattoos
Someone wrote to us late on Friday afternoon and said that some students at the US Army’s Recruiter school had been sent back to their duty stations because of their tattoos. I thought that it was a little strange, so I called the Recruiting Command at Fort Knox and talked to a nice lady at […]
Chandler on Moerk
The Army Times headlines an article “SMA defends 1SGT’s actions that earned her an ARCOM” about outgoing Sergeant Major of the Army Ray Chandler’s comments on 1SG Katrina Moerk’s Army Commendation Medal for trolling the internet and reporting other trolls to the Pentagon; “When we raise our hand and become Soldiers, we accept many responsibilities. […]
Pentagon requests 20% reduction in war funds
Bloomberg News says that the Department of Defense is asking for 20% less in funding for our adventures worldwide, ostensibly because our presence in Afghanistan will be reduced; While the decline in war funding largely reflects the continued withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan — from the 10,600 now there to half that planned by […]
The Army’s new MOS-specific PT test
Dave sends us a link to which reports that the Army is looking into an MOS-specific physical training test; in other words, a PT test for an infantryman would be different from that of a truck driver, you know because a truck driver’s job isn’t as physically intensive as an infantryman. Jessica Lynch can […]
The 1SG Moerk chronicles
Folks have been sending the link to the Army Times article about the dust up of the ARCOM for 1SG Moersk, who trolled folks on a video, apparently. I say “troll” because I’m fairly convinced that is what she did, given my experience with her since I commented on the story earlier. As soon as […]
Army reviews some Mustangs’ forced separations
The Army reviewed 19,000 commissioned offers for separation to meet goals for their reduction in force. Initially, they only considered the commissioned service which meant many “mustangs”, or officers with enlisted service, were at a disadvantage in that review. The Stars & Stripes reports that the Army has reviewed that practice and as a result […]
Um, Bowe Bergdahl?
The Washington Post has noticed like the rest of us that the Army hasn’t made a public pronouncement on the Bowe Bergdahl case despite the fact that their investigation ended months ago; The Army in June launched a new investigation into Bergdahl’s disappearance and capture, amid a raft of accusations from his fellow soldiers that […]
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