RSSTSO Embedded in A’stan

Two minutes in the ‘Stan with TSO, the sheep whisperer

| May 23, 2012 | 7 Comments
Two minutes in the ‘Stan with TSO, the sheep whisperer

TSO has finally begun releasing some videos of his top secret exploits in Afghanistan last month. In this video, he demonstrates his innate ability to communicate with sheep and his extensive knowledge of the alphabet.

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My cover story

| May 22, 2012 | 25 Comments
My cover story

A few things. 1) Don’t say anything bad about my article or I will cry. Honestly, this may be the first article I have written that I am truly proud of. The picture of a picture of the cover here sucks, but I will get a better JPEG to share with you later. 2) If […]

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TSO in the ‘Stan

| May 15, 2012 | 0 Comments
TSO in the ‘Stan

I finally pried some videos out of TSO last night. The first one is related to his post about the QRF (Quick Reaction Force) rolling out to protect MPs stuck alongside the road. Videos below the jump;

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I’m in Dubai, and surrounded by women dressed like Ninjas.

| May 10, 2012 | 11 Comments
I’m in Dubai, and surrounded by women dressed like Ninjas.

I hope I can fight my way through them if need be.  I don’t see any Katanas. Either way, I have $21 to my name (in cash) and no clue whether my cc’s will work from here.  I also have about 9 hours to blow before my flight.  I could take my ambien and sleep […]

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“Who’s in the lead” article from AP. Here in Andar, it is the ANA, we’re just along for the ride.

| May 2, 2012 | 10 Comments
“Who’s in the lead” article from AP.  Here in Andar, it is the ANA, we’re just along for the ride.

We rolled into Nani (about 15 klicks south of FOB Ghazni) pretty heavy with 8 vehicles, a platoon of dismounts, and 70 Afghanistan National Army troops. We pulled into a vehicle patrol base (a large oval) and the gunners immediately took up their security positions. (ie, we had 12-3 o’clock from the route of travel.) […]

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TSO out of range for a week

| April 29, 2012 | 0 Comments
TSO out of range for a week

TSO emails today (after typically not getting my on the cell phone) that he’s going to be out of comms for about a week, but that he promises to write everyday and add it when he gets back within range.

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Out on Patrol with Captain America and Pookie

| April 28, 2012 | 19 Comments
Out on Patrol with Captain America and Pookie

In my defense, a first call of 0300 for a media embed is unconscionable. (Joes were 0200) Nonetheless, when I showed up at the vehicles this morning for our SP time, my vehicle-mates would have been well within their rights to just send me back to my hooch. No MRE. Camelback empty. No gloves. Wearing […]

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TSO Embedded in A’stan

| April 27, 2012 | 5 Comments
TSO Embedded in A’stan

Just an administrative note. Since we’re all on pins and needles for those reports from TSO while he’s doing the Old School milblog thing embedded in Afghanistan, I’ve made it a little easier for you to catch up on his posts. I’ve made a category “TSO Embedded in A’stan” so you can keep up everyday…not […]

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