Jimmy Carter
Democrats and oil

This morning, Associated Press writes that President Bush is expected to ask Congress to relieve restrictions on off-shore drilling; Then gasoline prices topped $4 a gallon this summer. Drivers and others began clamoring for federal lawmakers to do something about the record price of oil, much of it produced in foreign countries. In response, President […]
Jimmy Carter makes leap from pest to traitor

I’d wager that Americans are generally tired of being treated to the spectacle of an aging ex-President meandering the world, undermining our own foreign policy. His latest antics may cross the line from Jimmy Carter being a mere pest to his being a traitor. According to the Guardian, Carter urged our European allies to break […]
“Hope” for “Change”

So Barak Obama pulled his snotty little kid act because John McCain, in a conference call with bloggers last month, hinted at the fact that Obama is endorsed by Hamas (USAToday link); “I think it’s very clear who Hamas wants to be the next president,” the Republican nominee-in-waiting said. “If Senator Obama is favored by […]
Foreign policy by BDS

Earlier this month, we had Jimmy Carter in the Middle East conducting our foreign policy without anyone asking him to do so. He did his best to undermine the country’s standing in the world and accomplished nothing. Last year, Nancy Pelosi and a score of Democrat congress members did the same with Syria. Right before […]
Carter: Hamas ready for peace

Jimmy Carter is an idiot – that probably can’t be said enough. According to Associated Press, he announced that Hamas is ready to accept Israel’s existence. Isn’t that grand? That’s probably why they attacked Israel this weekend, within hours after their last talks with Carter. Former President Jimmy Carter said Monday that Hamas is prepared […]
Jimmy Carter; Hugging terrorists so you don’t have to

Jimmy Carter places a wreath on the AIDS-ridden corpse containment system of Yassir Arafat Hamas is so bloody that when the Israelis walled them off from killing Jews in Israel, they turned on their Fatah supposed allies, dragged many into the street and shot them in front of their families. Yet, here we are treated […]
Jimmy Carter; the Damascus candidate

As is usually the case, the first I heard of Jimmy Carter’s impending visit to Hamas’ Khaled Meshal was from Little Green Footballs in Charles’ post entitled Jimmy Carter hits bottom, digs; America’s worst president will now apparently meet with the leader of an openly genocidal Islamic terrorist gang: Report: Jimmy Carter to Meet With […]
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