Reality Check
We Remember, but only when it’s Politically Correct
I read an article here about how a city erected a veteran memorial that had a cross in it. That city is now being sued. I read another article here about a small town football team that wanted to wear the names of servicemen killed in action on its jerseys. They were denied by the […]
Interesting . . . .
Fox News’ psychiatrist and columnist Dr. Keith Ablow has written an interesting article today. If you’re interested, you can read it here. Yeah, it’s about Brian Williams and his apparent very public “liberties” with the truth. But I’ll be damned if I didn’t think of a few others we all “know and love” when I […]
Well, Well, Well . . .
The irony here is indeed delicious. US group CAIR named terrorist organization by United Arab Emirates The linked story is worth reading. This shouldn’t really be a surprise, though. In 2007, CAIR was named (along with a sh!tload of others) as an unindicted co-conspirator in a plot to funnel money to Hamas. They’ve also long […]
Talk About Bad Timing
Headline from the cover of the issue of Dallas Weekly magazine released on 25 September: “Taste of Africa Comes to Dallas” Seriously. Yeah, the timing on that one . . . kinda sucks. They obviously didn’t have a working crystal ball.
Fifty Years Ago Yesterday
On 10 August 1964, Public Law 88-408 was signed by the POTUS, and became effective. It’s better known today as the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. That resolution was described by then-Undersecretary of State Nicholas Katzenbach as “the functional equivalent of a declaration of war.” The resolution was passed by Congress at the request of the […]
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