RSSTSA sucks

TSA antics; gay groping

| April 14, 2015 | 45 Comments
TSA antics; gay groping

CBS4 tells us the story of some TSA Security folks who conspired to allow one of the officers to grope the genitals of male passengers who he thought were attractive at the Denver Airport; On Feb. 9 TSA security supervisor Chris Higgins watched the screening area, observing the employees. “At about 0925 he observed (the […]

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Suspicious package in Detroit

| April 1, 2013 | 8 Comments
Suspicious package in Detroit

Ex-PH2 sends a link to an article about TSA evacuating Detroit Metropolitan Airport because an item “blew a tube in an X-ray machine at a security checkpoint”. Apparently someone has been arrested and bomb squads removed the device according to Fox Detroit. Fox 2 News Headlines I’m not seeing updates since this morning, so who […]

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TSA buffoonery

| March 30, 2013 | 11 Comments
TSA buffoonery

Andy sends us a link to the New York Post about some idiot TSA screens at JFK airport. A screener found a canister on the floor and didn’t know what it was, so he…well, here’s what the Post says; The agent, Chris Yves Dabel, discovered the device at the Terminal 2 security checkpoint and tried […]

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TSA’s Wounded Warrior Accomodations

| March 20, 2013 | 12 Comments
TSA’s Wounded Warrior Accomodations

ROS sends us this link to the TSA’s website in which they seem to want to take into account that wounded troops will be flying, and therefore passing through screening; TSA wants to facilitate the screening of injured and wounded service members. To address these specific situations, TSA has established the Wounded Warrior/Military Severely Injured […]

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Wounded Marine humiliated by TSA

| March 19, 2013 | 54 Comments
Wounded Marine humiliated by TSA

The Washington Times reports that Representative Duncan Hunter is inquiring into an incident at the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport last week when a Marine with prosthetic legs was the focus of Transportation Security agents’ overly ambitious search; Rep. Duncan Hunter said in his letter Monday that the Marine, who is still on active duty and […]

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Rand Paul accosted by TSA at airport

| January 23, 2012 | 11 Comments
Rand Paul accosted by TSA at airport

Old Trooper sends a link from ABC News that Rand Paul set off alarms at the airport in nashville. When he refused the pat down, he was escorted out of the secure area; “When an irregularity is found during the TSA screening process, it must be resolved prior to allowing a passenger to proceed to […]

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Homeland Security Priorities

| November 23, 2011 | 21 Comments
Homeland Security Priorities

Yeah, if you’re wondering what the department of Homeland Security is focusing on this holiday season, here’s a glimpse; UpNorth sends us this video. Thay’re not waiting for the troops to become dangerous right-wing veterans…we’re going to nip their terrorist potential in the bud;

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TSA misses loaded gun in luggage

| October 25, 2011 | 11 Comments
TSA misses loaded gun in luggage

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, pisses me off more than to arrive at my destination and opening my luggage to find all of my cremes and lotions in a baggie and a note from the Federal government telling me that they bagged my lotions and cremes for me and that I should do it myself […]

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