Wounded Marine humiliated by TSA
The Washington Times reports that Representative Duncan Hunter is inquiring into an incident at the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport last week when a Marine with prosthetic legs was the focus of Transportation Security agents’ overly ambitious search;
Rep. Duncan Hunter said in his letter Monday that the Marine, who is still on active duty and showed TSA agents his military identification, was still forced to undergo that scrutiny.
“A TSA office asked the Marine to stand and walk to an alternate area, despite the fact that he physically could not stand or walk on his own. With numerous TSA officers sitting and unwilling to assist, an officer then made him remove his legs, then put them back on, only to advance to a secondary screening location where he was asked again to stand, with extraordinary difficult, while his wheelchair was examined for explosives,” Mr. Hunter said.
Yeah, because those Marines are more likely than anyone to smuggle explosives onto planes.
The congressman asked TSA to detail its procedures to inspecting wounded U.S. troops at airports, and to consider whether agents should show “situational awareness.”
Well, they’re complying with their main directive which is to give the impression that they’re doing their jobs, not that they’re necessarily having any impact on actual security.
Category: TSA sucks
Duly noted, Ex-PH2, except we don’t have White Castles here in the Southeast (other than in the frozen microwave foods section of the supermarket), but we have Krystals, which are just as toxic afterward themselves, never mind the effects of the “Chili Cheese Pup”! Oh, and P. S. to that story, from Atlanta to Utah, I had to sit next to some leftist college hippie type, who I duly punished as well, I think I’ll score a Chili with beans MRE and stash it for next time I’m forced to fly somewhere!
@50: In January, on the way to Combatives, the Reagan National screeners told us about it, and we flew in Civvies
You guys with the “recipes” are definitely my heros.
I’ve fixed this dish when I didn’t feel like cooking on the stovetop. I can of dark red or black beans, as much minced garlic as you like, a pinch of salt and coarse ground black pepper. Heat for a few minutes in the microwave, till nice and hot. Add diced raw yellow onions and diced tomatoes (not canned) to the beans, stir thoroughly. Splash with lime juice, if desired.
Taste it, add a little more salt if desired (I don’t like a lot of salt in mine.), then get some really sturdy tortilla chips like el Milagro, something with serious scooping power, and enjoy with favorite beverage.