Suspicious package in Detroit

| April 1, 2013

Ex-PH2 sends a link to an article about TSA evacuating Detroit Metropolitan Airport because an item “blew a tube in an X-ray machine at a security checkpoint”. Apparently someone has been arrested and bomb squads removed the device according to Fox Detroit.

Fox 2 News Headlines

I’m not seeing updates since this morning, so who knows what it was all about. I keep hoping that TSA is able to stop a terrorist attack…just one. For their sake.

Category: TSA sucks

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I guess better safe than sorry, right? I’m trying to be charitable and say that TSA people earned their pay today on this one. But I do want to know more and am keeping an eye on it.


Best I could find on follow-up, but there’s an interesting link in this page to a story on Dulles Airport near DC being hit with a bomb threat.


“Fox 2 has learned the item was either a lamp or a toy that had both sand and water inside with a wire wrapped around it and was not explosive.”

Read more:


People evacuating the Detoilet airport by the thousands? No way…

T-Bird Henry

People getting SAFELY to Detroit Metro in the thousands. Now that’s amazing. You’d swear the folks driving around Detroit had a death wish or learned how to drive from Ahmed Sakamoto’s School of Kamikaze-Jihad Driving and Suicide Bombing.

B Woodman

Sounds like poor maintenance of the x-ray machine.


“Ahmed Sakamoto’s School of Kamikaze-Jihad Driving and Suicide Bombing”? Henry, you’ve definitely been there. I’ve found that it’s usually that way from the folks trying to get out of Metro Detroit.


I know in the photo (linked) is the Atlanta skyline, but substitute it with Detroits. I envision Detroit turning out like this one day.