Who knows
Two from Mr. Sumner
If you’ve ever “been there”, some songs truly need no explanation. IMO these are two such songs. If you’ve never “been there” with respect to the first song, consider yourself a truly lucky individual. If you can’t identify with the latter tune in some way . . . you have my sympathy. […]
‘Terp arrives here at last
A soldier welcomed his Afghan interpreter to the United States on Wednesday, Feb. 8, after buying him a plane ticket to ensure his quick arrival amid concerns the Trump administration might try to expand its travel ban to Afghanistan. http://www.militarytimes.com/articles/soldier-welcomes-afghan-translator-to-us-with-bear-hug Okay, Quismat, make the most of it. Start a new life and be productive. That’s […]
The story
A few weeks ago, I had trouble breathing so I went to the emergency and they discovered that I had pneumonia and it was fairly persistent. I had none of my blogging gear with me, so I couldn’t let anyone know what was going on and my phone kept crapping out. So I spent more […]
Three From Bob
Had connectivity and a few minutes time, and today’s Sunday. But DPAA doesn’t seem to have accounted for anyone new during the past few days – so you’re getting this “walkabout” instead. Read on at your own risk. At least this time it’s short. (smile) . . . During the 1970s, many in the media […]
And The Road Goes On Forever . . .
Just thought I’d check in again from the road. No, the road doesn’t really go on forever. But lately it certainly seems that way. But the scenery does sometimes compensate. Y’all take care.
Two From Mr. Z
Here are two by the late Warren Zevon. They somehow seemed apropos for a cold winter Sunday morning. The songs roughly “bookend” Zevon’s popular music career. The first is from his second album (the first one to see commercial success) in 1976. The second is from his final album, released roughly 2 weeks before his […]
No Rewind Button
Just thought I’d do a quick check-in. Many thanks to all (DH, Ex-PH2, PT, and TSO) for holding down the fort while Jonn was under the weather and I wasn’t available to help. I heard this while on the road for the first time in a while. It somehow seems apropos. It’s a lovely song […]
Manning’s sentence commuted
The President released a list of folks that he intended to pardon for their prison sentences. The list unsurprisingly included Bradley Manning, the soon-to-be man with a woman’s name and with male chromosomes. Manning admitted that he turned over 700 thousands of classified documents that he purloined from government computers while he was stationed in […]
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