US military surplus 1911s available. Almost.
Been waiting to grab one of the Army’s surplus M1911 .45 caliber pistols? The wait is nearly over. Army Times reports the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) announced it would sell 8,000 1911 .45 ACP pistols that have been in storage. That number has dropped from the originally announced 10,000 pistols. And not all the 8,000 […]
Effingham County to become sanctuary for 2nd Amendment
Ex-PH2 sends us a link to the Effingham Daily News which reports that the Effingham County, Illinois Board is contemplating local legislation that would make the county a sanctuary for gun owners. [Effingham County State’s Attorney Bryan] Kibler explained the goal is to protect those people affected by future state legislation by prohibiting the county […]
Brenna Spencer’s graduation photo
Mick sends us a link to Fox News about young Brenna Spencer who graduates from the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga this year and she decided to take a unique photograph to remember the occasion. I don’t take normal college graduation photos… — Brenna Spencer (@BrennaSpencer) April 7, 2018 Of course, the gun-grabbing fascists aren’t […]
Read It and Weep, Gungrabbers
I don’t know if it’s a good title or not, but maybe it will get the attention of the dumber people on the planet. The most recent attempts by the Leftred media to distort something into hysterics failed them again. I see the same idiocy being exposed at websites devoted to exposing the fraud in […]
The Difference Between a Right and a Choice
Seems there’s this desperate need to impress everyone, by people in the business of so-called journalism, being inflicted upon us these days with how simpatico they are, how in tune they are to whatever they think the current vox populi consists of. It’s baloney. It’s virtue signaling from a bunch of self-involved, attention-grabbing twits and nothing […]
Chicago-style funerals
Fox32 reports that funerals in Chicago have become dangerous venues when the deceased is a gang member. Just last December, Hillside police were called after shots were fired during a funeral procession headed to Oak Ridge Cemetery. “We were able to identify the car, and we started following the car after it left the cemetery […]
Dick’s Sporting Goods suspends gun sales
Fortune reports that Dick’s Sporting Goods won’t sell scary-looking black rifles in any of their stores, and they’ve said that they won’t sell long guns to people under the age of 21 years. “When we saw what happened in Parkland, we were so disturbed and upset,” Stack told the New York Times Tuesday night. “We […]
Only pansies want to ban ARs
Every self-promoting veteran who wants to make a name for themselves is running to the media to announce their dislike of civilians ownership of AR-style rifles. The latest is Ralph Peters, a Fox News contributor, who wrote for the New York Post; He wondered how many more children and adults will die from bullets fired […]
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