Brenna Spencer’s graduation photo

| April 10, 2018

Mick sends us a link to Fox News about young Brenna Spencer who graduates from the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga this year and she decided to take a unique photograph to remember the occasion.

Of course, the gun-grabbing fascists aren’t pleased;

Despite receiving what she called a surprising “amount of hate” on social media, Brenna Spencer, 22, says she has no regrets.

“I know the Tennessee state gun codes …. I carry everywhere that I’m allowed to carry,” the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga student said in an interview.

On Twitter, where Spencer’s profile states that “political correctness offends me,” she posted the provocative photo with the caption: “I don’t take normal college graduation photos…”

From ABC News;

Spencer’s friend took the photo outside the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga but she did not enter the facility with her handgun, and therefore did not go through any kind of museum security, she told ABC.

“I know the Tennessee state gun codes,” Spencer, who is set to graduate in May with a major in communications and a minor in political science, said.

Category: Guns

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2/17 Air Cav

What gun? I see thighs. I see hips. I see thighs. I see hips. I see thighs. I see hips. I see thighs. I see hips.I see thighs. I see hips. I see thighs. I see hips. What gun?

Old Trooper


The snowflakes are howling over this. Can’t have self-assured young women with an ability to defend themnselves!

This one will not be a victim.

2/17 Air Cav

I understand her unspoken message to those pussy-hat wearing whiners is, “I’m hot and a good shot. You’re not and you’re not.”


To paraphrase some of the comments directed at anti-gun snowflakes that I’ve seen on other websites carrying this story:

‘We have Brenna Spencer.

You have David Hogg.’


“I have an army.”

“We have a Hulk.”

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

LOVE IT. Nice pic, but what is the make that she is carrying.


Looks like a Keltec

E4 Mafia For Life.

Maybe that’s her drop gun and she’s carrying a 1911 Commander model in a small-of-back holster.
I heard you can upgrade the Keltecs with duct tape grips now.
What a very pleasant young lady.

Old Trooper

Don’t be getting me all whipped up by mentioning she might have a 1911 on her as well!!

Damn, now I have to go to the bathroom.


Looks much like the KelTec 380 I carry. It won’t stop a bear but it’ll get the job done and I’m quite accurate with it at distance. Maybe she and I can get together and, uh, let’s see, compare guns sometime. Oh, how I so admire beautiful women.


I must be going blind or something.

I thought that was some kind of weird tattoo or birthmark.

Whatever happened to the portrait studio belle debutante images? Weren’t we supposed to be moving into some sort of workaday environment or something?


All of us gunsils knew immediately what she was packin’.


ummm. Might want to look up the entomology of “gunsel”. Its an old word, not about guns.

I of course assume you meant something else.


There is gun in that pic?

A Proud Infidel®™️

You beat me to it, Yef! 😎


Yef did a funny


There may be hope for Yef yet.

Old Trooper

Damn sexy!!!


I would love for Prez Trump to retweet that.
Liberalz headz would implode.

E4 Mafia For Life.

x10 billion!!!


Yef, you have learned well. We’re all proud. Awesome idea!

Combat Historian

She has really sexy hands…


Wow, and intelligent, and beautiful woman that values the Constitution, and takes responsibility for her own safety… yeah, that’ll definitely make leftist heads explode!


Atta girl, nice pic of the Walnut Street bridge too. Kind of a normal thing here though. One of the reasons I love living in Chattanooga.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

She doesn’t take normal graduation photos and since she’s packing I suspect she doesn’t have to worry about taking a date rape scenario either…

Good for her, and I am not at all surprised by shit bags complaining.

Fuck the whiners, we don’t care for or require their opinions.

Doc Savage

Nice ergonomics, well made, clean lines, and perfect for a two hand grip.

Gun aint bad either.

E4 Mafia For Life.

I’m stealing that phrase, “nice ergonomics.”
My wife won’t catch on to that code for maybe like a few instances.
Then it will be back to the doghouse for me.


In before IDC SARC says (or anyone else suggests) he’d Hit It.
//she’d probably shoot me before I had the chance.


I would recommend you ask very very nicely.


And when denied exit gracefully.

E-6 type, 1 ea

I’m guessing IDC SARC hasn’t responded because he is busy.



Stolen from a commenter on The Blaze article about this:

“It is times like this that make you truly appreciate that the Rosie O’Donnell’s and Whoopi Goldberg’s of the world are not midriff showing supporters of gun rights !”


Commissioner Wretched

IDC SARC might hit it … but he’d have to stand in line.

Chip’s right … she would shoot us before we had a chance.


Some things are worth being shot for


Nice looking girl, but she’s apparently been taking gun safety lessons from Plaxico Burress.


Belly band.


No Visible … Pistol Lines


Naw, she has likely applied the safety. Burress wasn’t smart enough to do dat.


Just doesn’t get much better than this!

Sgt Fon

if i was only 30 years younger my 357 SIG and her sweet, tight little 9mm could have made some .380’s together….

where were the girls like this in my day?


MRS D saw this yesterday and wondered where we find an awesome young lady like this closer to our son’s age. Maybe she has a little sister? Kudos to the parents that raised a smart lady in an era of condom snorters!


Ha! I missread the title and thought it was about BRENDA Spencer… who really hated Mondays


Nothin hotter than a pistol packin babe who knows how to use it 🙂


A beautiful brunette with a sword… Catherine Zeta-Jones or Lynn Collins in ‘John Carter’ come to mind.


Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman


For fictional swordgirls;im all about Michonne and Beatrix Kiddo

2/17 Air Cav

I don’t know Michonne but Beatrix Kiddo was one bony-maroney. Hips. Gotta have hips.


Michonne( Danai Gurira) from walking dead.
One of the hottest ladies on TV IMHO 🙂


I suggest Colonel Wilma Deering

2/17 Air Cav

I was thinking along the lines of Sophia Loren, Jayne Mansfield, Marilyn Monroe…those types of hips.


Ohhhhh yeahhhh


Keltec DB9, appendix carry, and no holster….

Somebody needs a spanking! 🤣


Actually it’s a S&W with a belly band. Had to read through the comments to see all the libs losing their shit but someone else said the same thing and she tweeted that back.


I like the way the word Trump stands out.


I saw what you did there … (grin).


Nice photo but a “Mexican carry” up forward doesn’t appear particularly comfortable or practical. Maybe there’s some retention system I can’t see. I’ll sometimes carry a j frame like that, at about 2:00 position, but only with an IWB


She’s carrying the pistol in a belly band that can’t be seen in the photo.


Its a nice pose that shows off her trim midsection. Im sure it is not her day to day carry position.

She was trying to look hot, with maximum success!


I have this twitch in my trigger finger….

Wilted Willy

Gun? What Gun??




Is that the sound of your tripod hitting the floor?/smile


No… that is the sound of it hitting his CHIN!


What’s that … premature burn-off?

Doc Savage

Indubitably…..and succinctly put.

The Other Whitey

Huh? What? Sorry, I was…distracted.


LOC event due to sudden blood transfer, no doubt. Happens to pilots, too, but for different reasons.


Code blue! Code blue! Get the crash cart, stat!


No offense meant, IDC_SARC, but you’re old enough to be her father… maybe even her grandfather

Take it easy, willya?

The Other Whitey

He’s old, not dead!

Besides, in the immortal words of the late, great Ben Johnson: “The day I get too old for that, they’ll be shovelin’ dirt in my face!”


And an additional DAYUMMMM … that’s one photo that Jonn’s posted that actually expands to full size!

IDC SARC will thank me.

comment image:large


And once the photo is on your screen, “control ++++” enlarges it bigly. I don’t see her bellybutton … I mean belly band. But I do see a nice outline of the “rest of the story.”


Nice looking young lady with a good head on her shoulders.

May she increase in Wisdom.


This is much better than the usual losers, liars and reprobates we have to see……TAH should have a centerfold……

A Proud Infidel®™️

She looks like she wandered straight out of G. Gordon Liddy’s “Babes With Guns” Calendar!


I’ll be in my bunk.


I’ll be in the latrine.

The Stranger

I’ll be in the Porta John.

The Other Whitey

Damn! Were I not happily married…



Those are the most amazing bridge girders I have ever seen!

2/17 Air Cav

Dag. She has competition. Actually, I’m afraid she was bested. See the new thread regarding Jessica Baeder. Life is so unfair. At least Jonn could have spaced them out, rather than knocking us silly on the same day.


That is one right fit bird.


A Proud Infidel®™️

If I wasn’t happily married, she’d be putting some serious lead in my pencil!

MSG Eric

All I can think of is “please be over 18….” But since she’s a college student, score!


(With apologies to J Giles)

… my Angel has a center hold….


I went through some of those titterpated comments and this one stuck out.

From someone named ‘bax’
After we take the guns we’re gonna melt them all down and make a statue of Hilary Clinton to replace the Statue of Liberty.

I think that says everything you need to know about libertreds in one single sentence.

A Proud Infidel®™

We have to remember that the election of President Trump has “triggered” Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (TARD) in many a liberal snowflake to where it takes over their lives and actions making them Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder Operatives (TARDOs) and in a number of cases, especially in liberal moonbat mainstream media babblers, they become Really Exceptional Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder Operatives (RETARDOs). This fine young lady IMHO has done an astoundingly EXCEPTIONAL job of making at least thousands of TARDO and RETARDO heads explode!!!


That is so very appalling.




Folks, can you just see that little yipping bitch jumping up and down -far-behind a line of blackheads or brownshirts, egging them on…

Bitsy bitch, you ain’t gonna “take” anything except abuse. You and your cowardly sort strictly “catch”.


Well, think about the size of Lady Liberty, and ask yourself how many tons of anything it would take to build something that size.

Then you can start laughing at the idiot’s idea that it looks like an easy job. (Snrrttt!) Just think about it for a few minutes.


hehehe…she’s got an inny..hehehehe
(yes, I’m 4yrs old)


Late to the party, but all I can wonder is “How does she draw her pistol with the handle canted that direction?”

Otherwise – good for her.

Old Trooper

She’s probably a lefty (left-handed, that is)

Mike W.

Next time, just wear an pistol in a holster on the belt. Why expose a ‘concealed’ pistol?
I don’t agree with the picture ONLY for the exposed reason but she’ NOT breaking any laws.


In all fairness, that looks like a balcony directly behind her, so probably not an issue of brandishing.


So what. Ok, she is qualified to conceal carry. Hope she gets plenty of range time so she can use that hand gun for what it was designed to do.

I don’t need some left wing snowflake rubbing my nose is this or that. I don’t need any gun advocate snowflake rubbing my nose in her decision to pose with her hand gun and then offer the photo as a publicity stunt. I own and have owned a number of long guns and hand guns, but I was never so needy for attention to pose with a weapon just to trigger some snowflake.

Jeez, in your early twenties but still acting like a needy teenager, wanting all the attention.

Now, you damn kids get off my grass!


I believe she gets way more attention with her troll-posts than you get with yours.


That’s cool. Just tired of in your face 24/7/365. Go live your life, just do it by yourself.

Fred disbrow

Don’t hand me no lines an keep your hands to yourself.

jon spencer

I hope she is a relative.