The Difference Between a Right and a Choice

| March 14, 2018

Seems there’s this desperate need to impress everyone, by people in the business of so-called journalism, being inflicted upon us these days with how simpatico they are, how in tune they are to whatever they think the current vox populi consists of.

It’s baloney. It’s virtue signaling from a bunch of self-involved, attention-grabbing twits and nothing else.

This involves the most recent column in the Chitown Tribune by someone named Dan Moran, a columnist, who says he inherited a bunch of guns from various members of his family. He says that he used to hunt when much younger, but doesn’t go hunting now. What this was leading up to was his desperate need to let the silly, whining, self-terrorized gungrabbers – people who are just positive that they will be next (and probably have wet dreams about it, too) – that he’s on their side, whatever that means. So he informs us, after a prolonged whine of excuses with examples, that he made a date with the local po-po to turn in his guns for destruction, and was assured they were put in the evidence locker, slated for destruction. He says he got a notice to that effect, too.

“Hey, LOOK!” says he, “I got rid of all of those nasty, scary inanimate objects that can’t function without a live human handling them! I’m such a good guy!  Pat me on the back! Buy me a pizza! I’m on your side! I’m one of you!

He could have simply taken them to the nearest gun shop with his FOID and sold them to a dealer, taken home the cash, and walked away feeling maybe just as virtuous, but did he do that?  No. He had to broadcast to everyone what a wonderful guy he is for being so abundantly stupid that he missed that very obvious other choice. His excuse was that no one could get hurt by them now. He did not say whether or not anyone ever had been hurt by them prior to his Virtue Signaling Episode IIIa/IV(b).

As stultifyingly dumb as that makes him, I took the time to peruse the language of the U.S. Constitution, trying to find anything that says ownership of weapons of any kind is a requirement for U.S. citizenship.  I found nothing. It is a choice we have. Some of us want them. Some do not.

Here’s what I found with a little effort on my part: “….provide for the common defence….

That’s easy to understand. In Them There Olden Times, the militia ranks were filled by local people, the common people, who came here to escape the grinding tyranny of despotic rulers like Oliver Cromwell and Mary Tudor in the beginning of that exodus, and the Prince Regent later on, who succeeded his crazypants father, and the horrifying bloodbath that Robespierre inflicted on anyone who caught his eye. As time went on, as we know, coming here was to find a way out of famine and poverty when late blight fungus killed off the main source of food for the Irish and Swift wrote his snarky essay ‘A Modest Proposal’.  People came here from all over, set up housekeeping and started farms and shops and businesses, which is what this country was about then and always has been, no matter how much the leftreds want to chop it into splinters. But I digress.

The phrase ‘for the common defence’ in that opening paragraph is preceded by “We, the People”, meaning all of us, not just certain ones.

Many of Those in High Places now and in the past seem to think that this is inapplicable now, that they know better than we do what we need and/or want.. On the contrary: it is absolutely applicable now, more than ever. It gives us choices. Frankly, not one of those greedy, self-serving slobs in office has the faintest idea what I need or want.

We have the right to decide what to do with our lives, what we want to do for a living, eat, wear, read, etc., where we want to live, and whether or not we want to serve in the military, among other things. Yes, we have had drafts in the past but at present we do not. Military service is a choice. I made that choice twice, and then the war was over, so I left the military and did other things.

And that brings me to this bit of thoughtful prose: the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America: …the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed.

Read that carefully. It says the right…to bear arms. Nowhere in that Amendment does it say must bear arms.  It is a choice. You can choose to have weapons, or choose not to.

As I have repeatedly indicated, a weapon can be anything from a 9-inch cast iron skillet and some hornet spray or cooking spray with flour, to a multi-round firing rifle that may or may not be useful for hunting in the autumn, winter and/or spring (turkeys!) I usually do my hunting at the grocery stores and farmers’ markets, although I have found a few turkeys in the aisles at the local bank and Walmart. I’m quite sure that I can use my short sword to carve a turkey, if I have to.

Therefore, when I ran across that virtue-signaling, self-important half page op-ed by this Tribune twit, letting all of us know what a saint he is for being dumber than socks on an elephant, my response was to point and laugh, because Danny boy, you had other choices but you didn’t take them.

That does not make you virtuous, Dan. It makes you desperate for attention and praise which, in my view, you don’t deserve. You could have sold those guns to a dealership and donated the cash to a really good cause.

But you didn’t.

That, you butthead, makes you so stupid you don’t even know you’re alive.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns

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There is a -long- history of LE types “diverting” collected/confiscated/surrendered firearms to “other law enforcement use”.

Just such use long enough, where it becomes practical to sell/give the items to favored persons.

Sometimes, the things simply ” disappear” out of the locker. They may later be reported “destroyed”.

So the joke may be on Mr SJW, even if they ” promised”.


In 1864, the US Navy “destroyed” some cannons from an ironclad gunboat in the Red River. In 2002, a researcher found that those same cannons had been sold for scrap in 1870.


“…no matter how much the leftreds want to chop [the U.S. of A] into splinters. But I digress.”
WHY?!? I liked where I think you were goin’ and I definitely woulda gone there wit ya!!
Great article, as usual. You’re ability to excel is almost scary!
Agreed on that Dan-douche. He sounds like he’d be fun at parties.


They’ve been working at it for a hundred years or so. And they have had some serous successes. It’s what caused some of us to say when the USSR broke up that the USA was the last bastion of Communism remaining.


Like Judd Saul said in his great documentary The Enemies Within, Communism didn’t dissolve, it escaped containment, went underground and spread into ever free thinking country.
I heart me some Reagan but I would have doubled the height of that wall and number of landmines.
But I have the luxury of historical perspective…


I noticed that Dan Moran failed to note in his column his home address when he proclaimed he was gun free.

2/17 Air Cav

“I have come to believe that the American experiment can only move forward by repealing and replacing the poorly written, backwards-thinking, and long-since outdated and impractical Second Amendment.” Dan Moron

Some opinions are worth considering. Some aren’t. Dan’s is an aren’t.


Well, Dan, I have come to believe that the American experiment can only move forward by repealing and replacing the poorly written, backwards-thinking, and long-since outdated and impractical First Amendment. There should be no free press. Opinions are like……well, like Dan Morans


With how Chicago’s been the last few years he’d have been better off selling/trading them for body armor. That is since he’s not man enough to use his firearms to defend himself, family, and home.

Dustin P.

Fantastic article, I have to believe this individual was woefully ignorant to think that because he gave his firearms to the police department, there is no way they end up back in circulation. I can say with absolute certainty that confiscated drugs are recirculated in an effort to catch drug users/dealers, and don’t see why this would be different for weapons. Maybe I’m cynical?



“Common defense” doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with a militia either. Common defense also means what any of us we the peoples might have to individually defend against, be it a tyrant, a thug, or a bear in the woods.


If I’m not mistaken, The old Soviet Union doctrine was never to invade mainland USA due to the number of weapons/armed citizens. I always thought that that was pretty cool and I’m happy to contribute to the problem.
Great article and well said Ex-PH2


I think your referring to a quote by Japan about a “gun behind every tree” which has never been verified I believe but the old Soviet’s may have thought along the same line


the cited quote included “… there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass…”

Not too far off reality. (Grin)


lacking a Navy capable of holding open an ocean, and lacking ships capable of moving armies rapidly, and having no real ability to correct that, they had no effective cross-ocean invasion capability.

They focused on their neighbors for invasion. And historically, they were only -good- at it with the US on a second front and also supporting them logistically.

The Soviets were, however, -expert- at rotting societies into submission. Note that they have utterly converted one US political party into one of weakness and passivity and “it’s all our fault” thinking. The infection has spread to portions of the other major party.

The weapon of the Soviets, of progressivism, is a “cultural AIDS” that induces decay and eventual death, to allow replacement with a more … compliant alternative.


I think it was Nikita Khrushchev that said “We’ll destroy America and never fire a shot”.


We have -not- excised the infection here. Russia was never a healthy host to start. We were.

We are still dealing with the proggy infection, and one election is hardly a cure.

Non Cedo Ferio

Im not a conservative nor a liberal. I consider myself to be s moderate independent. I’ve served my country in a combat zone and yes , I even discharged my weapon there. Now that I’m out , I Choose not to own for personal and medical reasons. That being said I’m not going to join the outcry and say you can’t own a gun. That’s your right . So long as you don’t have mental health. Or criminal intent. Exercise your Right as much as you want. Bottom line I don’t expect any hate for my Choice. Why in the world would I hate anyone if they are exercising their Right responsibly


You won’t get any hate here. Your choice on guns is obviously well thought out and clearly articulated. Nothing but respect from me.

Non Cedo Ferio

Thanks bro . yeah i never expect a hard time from you guys here at TAH. I was talking about the polarized public in general. I get it that folks don’t like guns , and that’s ok. I don’t really care for certain types of cars and I know that a drunk or distracted driver can kill ppl in those cars. But I’m not going to blame the car. I’m gonna blame the driver. And I’m not gonna cry ban all cars because of someone’s choice to drive drunk. When I break it down like that I see no difference between a gun and a car.

Wilted Willy

Ex, this is one of your best yet! I never get tired of seeing all of these crying weenies moaning about the horrible nasty black scary guns! Keep telling everyone what a gun free zone you have and then let me know how long it takes the PoPo to get there to protect your whinny ass!


Mr. Moran’s equals swoon at his piety. His betters laugh at his naivete’ and gullibility. We free men and women shake our heads at his stupidity. regards, Alemaster


Hear Hear! I’ll drink to that!


I am not nearly as forgiving as we have been tasked to be.

Reading your post, and remembering a quote of a Founder, I thought “I hope his chains chafe annoyingly.”


EX-PH2 thats a pretty side arm in the picture and a nice scabbard as well. If Mr. Moran believes his turned in hand me down firearms won’t be repurposed he probably believes Sheriff Isreal when he says he will “Serve and Protect.” A recent situation in Baltimore shows there are rotten apples in some of the barrels. With the rampant crime in Chicago, its hard to believe there are not a few in that barrel that need sorting out.
If some or any of those firearms are collector items they could be worth quite a lot and like you say, cashed in and donated to a worthy cause would have been a much better endeavor.


“EX-PH2 that’s a pretty side arm in the picture and a nice scabbard as well.”

Thanks! That’s actually my 1911 Colt Defender in .45 ACP, with alumagrips and Kirkpatrick OWB leather. I loaded the pic up into Jonn’s media library for another post, and Ex had the good taste to recycle it.


The Lady wants a pink 1911 with gemstones? The Lady GETS a pink 1911 with gemstones. I thought the gold highlights a nice touch.
pink 1911


Gaaaaahhhhhh!!! My eyes! Oy!

Oh the hunanity……

A Proud Infidel®™

If Michael Jackson ever bought an M1911…


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Journalists are like Herpes. Annoying as hell and you just can’t get rid of it.


Sometimes prevention is easier. Other times you just don’t care.