American Thinker Article
Poetrooper sent us the link to an American Thinker article, and highly recommended posting it. And so.. Lori Loughlin and Peter Zhu By William F. Marshall Lori Loughlin, Mossimo Giannulli, Felicity Huffman, Bill McGlashan, Jane Buckingham and all the other rich and famous parents who cheated and bribed their children’s way into elite universities using […]
Teacher Allegedly Called Kyle Kashuv ‘Next Hitler’
Daily Wire reports that a situation regarding Greg Pittman, the history teacher at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who allegedly called student Kyle Kashuv “the next Hitler” in class, became more serious as the school district confirmed that the incident is now under investigation. In a statement to The Daily Wire, Broward County Public Schools […]
University of Utah’s cry closet
Someone sent us a link to the UK’s Daily Mail which wrote about the “cry closet” installed in the University of Utah’s library by senior Nemo Miller who will graduate this Spring with a a major in ceramics and a minor in sculpture. So, I think he might have peaked with this project; The ‘Rules […]
Florida boy meets Baker Act and Sheriff Grady Judd
Associated Press reports that Polk County, Florida Sheriff’s deputies found an inebriated 13-year-old boy sleeping on a sidewalk. He claimed that he drank an entire bottle of liquor that he snagged from his parents’ liquor cabinet and that he planned to shoot up his junior high school in retaliation for being suspended for threatening to […]
Salcido canned
Gregory Salcido, the teacher at El Rancho Unified School District in Pico Rivera, California who expressed some pretty vile opinions about folks in the military has been canned by the local school board, according to Board of Education President Aurora Villon as reported by Fox News; “His comments do not reflect what we stand for, […]
Victor Quinonez; Salcido’s student honored
According to the Daily Breeze, Victor Quinonez, the 17-year-old student who recorded his teacher, Gregory Salcido, on a disparaging rant about members of the military, was honored by American Legion Post 61. The presentation of a certificate of recognition was made aboard the USS Iowa; A humble Quinonez said he appreciated the recognition. “It means […]
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