RSSI hate hippies

Shooting suspect Oscar Ortega-Hernandez captured

| November 16, 2011 | 18 Comments
Shooting suspect Oscar Ortega-Hernandez captured

Fox News reports that Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, the DC Occupier who was being sought for shooting at the White House last week has been captured in Indiana, Pennsylvania. Law enforcement for days had been searching for the suspect, 21-year-old Ortega-Hernandez. The suspect has a record of arrests in Idaho, Utah and Texas, according to MyFoxDC, and […]

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OWS Ralph

| November 16, 2011 | 7 Comments
OWS Ralph

I guess the most disturbing thing about this video of Ralph is that after the first few unintelligible words out of Ralph’s mouth, the interviewer continued asking him questions and recording him. Strong language warning. Ralph isn’t very bright and has a limited regurgitated vocabulary. Of course, like the street shitter, this probably never happened, […]

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Occupy Wall Street trying to reoccupy Liberty Square.

| November 16, 2011 | 6 Comments
Occupy Wall Street trying to reoccupy Liberty Square.

So is seems that the Occupy movement is trying get back into Liberty Square. Oh and the comments are priceless. Liberty Square is our home. The 1% stole the homes of thousands, but they will not steal Liberty Square! Reoccupation begins NOW! If you’re in the NYC area: join the thousands gathering to defend our […]

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More classy stuff from OWS

| November 15, 2011 | 37 Comments
More classy stuff from OWS

Yeah, this is just like a Tea Party rally. This is apparently the DC crowd. Best comment at YouTube; @KeffieKampo Apparently government cheese comes out pretty firm.? No wiping necessary. And they wonder why a New York judge won’t allow them to camp out in Zucotti Park. Deputy Mayor Cas Holloway, in his motion to […]

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Socialists organizing revolution in the military

| November 15, 2011 | 26 Comments
Socialists organizing revolution in the military

Oddly enough, this video comes from Adam Kokesh who wanders among his former friends at Occupy DC and acts surprised at their naivete. At about 1:56 in the video “Ron” a “Progressive Labor Party organizer tells the students at his anti-capitalist teach in that they should (from The Blaze); “think in terms of building revolution […]

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Occupy Oakland’s 99% cost city $2.4m

| November 15, 2011 | 12 Comments
Occupy Oakland’s 99% cost city $2.4m

Tman sends us a link from SFGate which relates the cost to the city of Oakland for the Occu-tards there. The city said Monday that it had spent $2.4 million since the first tent was pitched at Frank Ogawa Plaza on Oct. 10, including $1.1 million in police costs alone. Those expenses shot up sharply […]

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Former Marine does what we all want to do

| November 14, 2011 | 28 Comments
Former Marine does what we all want to do

What? You don’t want to know the story about this picture, do you? All you care about is the fact that a former Marine on an off-duty detail from his NY cop job gets to drag a hippie by the scruff of his neck out into the street. Flagwaver sent us the picture.

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Scott Olsen confirms that which we knew

| November 14, 2011 | 16 Comments
Scott Olsen confirms that which we knew

Reuters reports that Scott Olsen the former Marine who was injured at Occupy Oakland has issued a statement most of which we already knew, but were excoriated for voicing over the last few weeks; Olsen served two tours in Iraq, working as a technician and earning a handful of service medals. Friends say he soured […]

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