I hate hippies
An Occupy protest after my own heart
I snagged this from Facebook because there are so many sociopaths here who won’t join in;
Feeding the Machine
I just got a fund raising email from the pornograhers at Firedog Lake begging for money to supply the hippies in the Occupy Wall Street protests across the country with the things they didn’t think they needed when they started their protest in the Fall of the year; Jonn, The FDL Membership’s Occupy Supply fund […]
Runaway Mom compares herself to the troops
The New York Post tells the story of Stacey Hessler who left her kids, aged 7 to 17, in Florida so she could hang out with the other dipshit hippies in Zuccotti Park. “I’m not planning on going home,’’ the wayward flower child had told The Post about two weeks after she joined the rabble […]
Some OWS stuff
I’m no Daily Show fan, but sometimes Stewart’s crowd does a great job of getting the Left to become caractures of themselves, so this is pretty good. The Daily Show with Jon StewartGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook Tman sends us a link to a Yahoo/SF Bay […]
Occupy Alec Baldwin’s house
You know, I haven’t seen the movie “The Hunt For Red October” yet because the thought of Alec Baldwin as Jack Ryan is just that offensive to me. Today, in the Huffington Post, Baldwin does his Bizarro Jack Ryan impression again and for some reason, all of our problems stem from the fact that we […]
I’m a lazy itnerant hippie, so you can’t go to work, either
Yes, the Occupy Wall Street hippie shits are ratcheting up their anti-social behavior today by preventing people with jobs from getting to work in New York City. A link to the Daily News from Old Trooper; “I’ve got to get to work today or I’m going to lose my job,” a man in a suit […]
Filthy hippies
Someone is complaining again that I’m calling his peers “filthy smelly hippies” Where would I get such an idea? Maybe from Mayor Bloomberg; Mayor Bloomberg finally decided to wipe Zuccotti Park clean after learning about a rancid outbreak of scabies, lice and lung ailments among protesters. Fricken scabies, for Pete’s sake. Verum Serum reports that […]
Zombie: Occupy Cal time-travels back to the ’60s
Our buddy, Zombie, spent last night documenting the filthy hippies at Occupy Cal, at UC Berkeley. I kinda like the sign that says “There’s always money in the banana stand”. One of my favorite TV shows ever; But, I still hate hippies…especially the faux-poor students who didn’t have to spend their time in the military […]
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